• Resolved gelgen



    I’m using the most recent version of Subscribe2 and have never had an issue with character encoding even though the blog is in French and there are constantly accents in post titles.

    This morning though, the post title was: “Enquête baclée = congédiement annulé”

    and it came out like this: [Blogue SOQUIJ] Enqu=C3=AAte b=C3=A2cl=C3=A9e = cong=C3=A9diement annul=C3=A9 — Actualit=C3=A9s juridiques, Mesures disciplinaires et non-disciplinaires

    The post title is OK on the site (https://blogue.soquij.qc.ca/2014/03/11/enquete-baclee-congediement-annule/) and everywhere else it’s been shared (Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn].

    Help please!!!


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  • @gelgen,

    Have you changed anything else recently? Installed any new plugins? Changed theme?

    Thread Starter gelgen


    The following plugins were updated :

    – Relevanssi Premium
    – Social Network Auto-Poster
    – JetPack

    It is the first time the equal character (=) is used in a blog title though.


    If you disabled those three plugins and send a preview email from Subscribe2->Settings is the email subject corrected?

    Thread Starter gelgen


    I just tried this, and there is no change in the subject line.

    With plugins reactivated, I substituted the text “égale” for the “=” symbol and sent a test email. It’s fine, accentuated characters correct.

    When I put back the “=” symbol, the junk returned to the subject line.


    When I have a spare minute I will use your post title to reproduce this issue so I can work in a fix.

    Thread Starter gelgen


    Thanks for your help, @mattyrob.


    I’ve tracked this down to an issue in the PHPMailer library used by the WordPress wp_mail() function. The good news is that the issue is fixed by an update to PHPMailer 5.2.7 that will be released as part of WordPress 3.9. The bad news is there is no easy fix right now.

    Thread Starter gelgen


    Thanks for the follow-up. I’ll refrain from using special characters in titles until then.


    I think you should be okay if you avoid symbols like = & etc.

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