Here’s a CSS technique that I would try first. This relies on the fact that each post or page has a unique ID assigned to it, and if your theme’s developer coded the theme correctly, that ID can be found as a class of the body element, for example, page-id-311.
Let’s say the page IDs of your three pages are 123, 124, and 125 (resulting in pages with a class of page-id-123, page-id-124, and page-id-125). You can see what the ID of your pages are by either using a web debugging tool like Firebug or Chrome Developer Tools, or just doing a view source on the page and seeing what classes are associated with the body element.
In a sidebar text widget, create a DIV with a specific ID, like SidebarPic:
<div id="SidebarPic"></div>
Depending upon your theme’s features, if it has a Custom CSS option, copy & paste the below CSS rules into it. If your theme doesn’t have a Custom CSS option, you can create a child theme and use the child theme’s style.css file, or you can use a CSS plugin. Do not edit your theme’s CSS files directly! #SidebarPic {
background-image: url(/images/my_image1.jpg);
height: 360px;
width: 100px;
} #SidebarPic {
background-image: url(/images/my_image2.jpg);
height: 400px;
width: 150px;
} #SidebarPic {
background-image: url(/images/my_image3.jpg);
height: 280px;
width: 130px;
So just set the background-image property to point to the specific image for each page, and adjust the height & width properties for each image as well. You must specify the height & width of the image in order for it to display, although you can intentionally crop the image by specifying smaller dimensions than the image’s actual size.