Easy Adsense Version 7.00
This release contains some deep changes to the options handling, translation, admin page rendering etc. It has been tested quite thoroughly, but you may find some features that don’t work as expected. If so, please leave a message here as a reply to this thread. Thanks.
My ads do not appear on my site anymore. I have all the default settings in place just as before with showing only 2 ad blocks on the top of the articles and it no longer shows ads on the homepage. It is not set to suppress them on the homepage either so I am not sure whats going on. It was working fine till the update
Could you post the URL to your blog page where you expect the ad?
I would like to look at the HTML code and see if the ad code appears there.
I also have issues with the latest update. My ads used to show perfectly inside the post box above the post text….and the sidebar.
The exact minute I updated to this latest version, the ads inside the post block refuse to show on the front page…..but one ad does show only if you open a single post.
Is there a way I can go back to the previous version? As a temporary fix, I have put one ad above the header….. since no ads are able to be shown in the first two posts like they did before. ??
This has cost me about half of my ad revenue …
Ok, did more testing and this is what I found. I CAN make the ads show above the post text…..BUT, only if I choose the option to display unlimited ads…..but then it shows in EVERY post, AND the ad is all that shows, meaning it removes the actual post text itself! Not good. If we can’t roll back to the previous version, I will need to uninstall. This was the perfect item for me, but now I might have to look elsewhere.
Sorry to hear that there are issues with this release. I will try to reproduce the issue and fix it.
The previous version is available at
https://downloads.www.ads-software.com/plugin/easy-adsense-lite.6.51.zipI am having an issue with version 7.01 on my site. When ever I have the plugin active no text shows up on my pages or posts. I just get a ‘.’
if I use chrome and inspect the elements, I can see the text so I know it is there.
If i then disable the easy adsense lite plugin all my text displays correctly.
do you have any idea?
I’ve also noticed that if I “suppress” the add unit’s it the text displays correctly.
P.S. – I needed to suppress the ads so my site works. If you have any questions or need me to unsuppress the ads let me know and I can do it for a short while.
here is the html that is generated for the easy adsense ad and the text in my post. The result of this html is a ‘.’ and nothing else…
<div class="ezAdsense adsense adsense-leadin" style="float:right;margin:12px;border:#000000 solid 1px;' onmouseover='this.style.border=" #000000="" solid="" 1px"'="" onmouseout="this.style.border="#000000 solid 1px""><script type="text/javascript"><!-- google_ad_client = "ca-pub-1681249074767422"; /* SILM - Lead In */ google_ad_slot = "8877608337"; google_ad_width = 250; google_ad_height = 250; //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://pagead2.googlesyndication.com/pagead/show_ads.js"> </script></div> <p>I’ve gotten tons of great feed back from current users of beta 6, but I’m looking for even more.Sign up for the Pre-Release mailing list and follow along with the development of SI Lead Manager v7. Get regular updates on what is going on and give me feedback on what you think. 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I think this is a bug. I will fix it and make a release within 24 hours.
Thanks for pointing it out.As a workaround, could you try disabling the option “Show a border around the ads? “?
yup, disabling “show a border around the ads” fixes the issue.
Just pushed V7.02 to fix this issue. Please give it a go. Thanks.
With the release of 7.01, I am no longer able to block an ad that shows up on my home page. It’s problematic because I have my website in a centered orientation, and the ad is pushing text off to the side. Any ideas how to change this?
Website is https://www.lrfoodcast.com. Thanks~
Did you try checking the following options on the admin page?
Suppress AdSense Ad Blocks on:
Sticky Front Page
Home Page
Front PageI’m working on improving the handling of these options. Will make another release (7.10) in about ten hours with this and other coding improvements.
Thank you for the response. I checked all of them in various combinations and saved my changes. When I went back to my home page, nothing changed. When I then returned to the Easy Adsense settings, the options I had saved had been unchecked again.
I just committed V7.10 to handle the ad blocks and suppression better. Please take a look and see if this issue is resolved.
As soon as WordPress makes it live, I will let you know how it goes. Thank you for your communication, it’s very much appreciated.
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