Please reconsider the way you write your posts. I find your last post very rude and not appropriate at all. The original question is about how to get started and I do believe that my answer does point to the right places. Otherwise, what else do you expect?
Do you seriously consider a video tutorial, detailed install instruction and a beginners tutorial with screenshot bad documentation for a non commercial plugin? The video and the tutorial cover the basics and have all the snippets you need. I checked, the video cuts off parts of code which aren’t Edge Suite specific and therefore aren’t documented in the tutorial or the install instructions. Otherwise please be more precise about what snippet you are talking about.
It’s one thing to overseen something and ask about it in the issue queue, but even if you were right, there is no need to be insulting. I’ve put a lot of work into the plugin, into the documentation and especially in answering the same question here over and over again, without getting a single cent out of it. But People like you are the reason why I seriously consider stopping the support for the plugin as I have moved away from WordPress anyway and I really don’t need this!