Sorry, please disregard my first post. I actually had to change a lot of other things in inline-uploading.php to get it to work properly. Here are all the changes.
Line 143:
$attachments = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT ID, post_date, post_title,
Add post_content to the list between post_date and post_title.
Line 243:
Find the line
$title = wp_specialchars($image['post_title'], ENT_QUOTES);
After this line, add the following line:
$descr = wp_specialchars($image['post_content'], ENT_QUOTES);
Around line 247:
Make this change for the two lines that begin with
and with
. Replace
, with
alt=\"{$descr}\" title=\"{$title}\"
or whatever change you wanted to make.
Around line 252:
Make the same change as above. It should look like
<div id='div{$ID}' class='imagewrap' onclick=\"doPopup({$ID});\">
<img id=\"image{$ID}\" src=\"$src\" alt=\"{$descr}\" title=\"{$title}\" $height_width />