@klika Inspirations!
Everything working fine. Don’t panic. You have two options to bring your site’s backend to the previous state. First, what you would like to expect from renaming the wp-content directory? Do you want to continue with the renamed directory or want to revert to the default wp-content?
For the first case you can continue with the present setup but you must follow the following two steps.
Step1: Goto the backend change wp-config.php file permission to writable that is at least 644 file permission
Step2: Add the following four lines to the wp-config.php
define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true );
define( 'BWPS_FILECHECK', true );
define( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR', '/home/your-cpanel-username/public_html/wp-root-directory-name/custom-wp-content' );
define( 'WP_CONTENT_URL', 'https://your-domain-name/custom-wp-content'
Note: You must change the following in the above four lines
1.change your home directory name
2.change your cpanel username
3.change wp-root-directory to the directory name where your wp files installed
4.change custom-wp-content to the name you renamed directory
Now save wp-config.php and everything works fine as usual.
Case2: If would like to revert wp-content folder the follow as below
Step1: Make the renamed wp-content folder writable, means changing folder permission to writable
Step2: Now rename the directory to the default one wp-content
Now go to your backend. Hope every thing works find now.
Let men know whether these instructions works for you or not.