Missing widget wrapper section with 'widget' class after upgrade
Yesterday I upgraded to wordpress 3.9 and also updated your plugin to 2.0.5.
What am I experiencing now is that widgets don’t have the standard wordpress wrapper around it.
<section class="widget recent-posts-3 widget_recent_entries"> <div class="widget-inner"> <h3>Latest articles</h3> <ul> <li> <a href="/news/royal-council-entrepreneurship-support-spea/">Finnish accelerator Startup Sauna arriving to Serbia</a> </li> <li> <a href="/news/glass-wine-event-march/">Glass of wine event in march</a> </li> <li> <a href="/news/stronger-growth-global-economy-risks-due-emerging-markets-oecd/">Stronger Growth for Global Economy but more risks due to Emerging Markets – OECD</a> </li> <li> <a href="/news/serbias-economic-growth-expected-soften-around-1-nbs/">Serbia’s economic growth is expected to soften to around 1%-NBS</a> </li> <li> <a href="/news/2014-outlook/">2014 outlook</a> </li> </ul> </div> </section>
The timely widget is showing without that wrapper like this:
<h3>Upcoming Events</h3> <div class="timely ai1ec-agenda-widget-view ai1ec-clearfix"> <p class="ai1ec-no-results"> There are no upcoming events. </p> <p> <a class="ai1ec-btn ai1ec-btn-default ai1ec-btn-xs ai1ec-pull-right ai1ec-calendar-link" href="https://spea.rs/calendar/"> View Calendar <i class="ai1ec-fa ai1ec-fa-arrow-right"></i> </a> </p> <div class="ai1ec-subscribe-container ai1ec-btn-group ai1ec-pull-left"> <a class="ai1ec-btn ai1ec-btn-default ai1ec-btn-sm ai1ec-subscribe ai1ec-tooltip-trigger ai1ec-btn-xs" data-placement="bottom" href="webcal://spea.rs/?plugin=all-in-one-event-calendar&controller=ai1ec_exporter_controller&action=export_events&cb=981441878" title="Subscribe to this calendar in your personal calendar (iCal, Outlook, etc.)"> <i class="ai1ec-fa ai1ec-fa-plus"></i> Add </a> <a data-original-title="Subscribe to this calendar in your Google Calendar" class="ai1ec-btn ai1ec-btn-default ai1ec-btn-sm ai1ec-subscribe-google ai1ec-tooltip-trigger ai1ec-btn-xs" target="_blank" data-placement="bottom" href="https://www.google.com/calendar/render?cid=http%3A%2F%2Fspea.rs%2F%3Fplugin%3Dall-in-one-event-calendar%26controller%3Dai1ec_exporter_controller%26action%3Dexport_events%26cb%3D981441878" title=""> <i class="ai1ec-fa ai1ec-fa-google-plus ai1ec-fa-lg"></i> Add </a> </div> <p></p> </div>
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