• I wanted to set eCommerce site and first tested woocommerce. There were heavy issues with widgets and many other things but in the end, there was no possibility to correctly checkout the order and woo support stuff was unable to help (although they tried, they were given access to the site – without result).

    So I implemented Jigoshop and it turned out to be better looking, smoothly working version of woocommerce. However new issues showed up here…

    1. Side widgets areas are in 90% cases showed underneath the site, as if they were footer areas. When I turn off Jigioshop, widgets go back to their proper place, with Jigoshop they move down. Only few themes showed widgets where they should be, other tested themes (over dozens of themes) showed either footer placement (as described above) or widgets were in places they don’t suppose to be (widget areas didn’t match graphics of widget areas placement for the given theme). Actually widget problems seem to be consistent no matter which shop plugin I would test, although I test it always on fresh and empty WP installments, on many various themes. With each theme there are new problems, but many serious ones still persists in all of them.

    2. Prices are rounded down. If something costs 0,86 price shown is… 0. If something costs 3,87, price shown is 3…. Note that in settings I have 2 decimal places set, so the price correctly shows 0,00 or 3,00. So that’s not the issue.

    3. Tax. There is no normal settings for tax. All prices shown as treated as without tax witch is not normal. I never saw a shop with prices without tax, at least not in my country. It would not fly. You always have a tax that must be payed and included in price. So far I got some ridiculous settings where either all prices are tax free or when taxed, only in checkout there is tax added at the end. Moreover, when I mark “catalog prices include tax” – which supposedly should give me result I want – prices with tax, in checkout prices are incorrectly lowered to some not mathematically possible numbers. I set a tax as 23% and yet 3,00 price is lessened to 2,44. So first the price itself is incorrect (3 instead 3,87) then price without tax is wrong. I just want to have all prices be counted with tax as in every normal internet shop in out country. No tax added on the end. EVERY SINGULAR PRICE IS WITH TAX. What wonders me, Jigoshop has much better polish language integration then woocommerce, as if jigoshop was suited for Poland, yet tax settings seem to make it completely useless. Woocommerce showed taxes properly on the other hand…

    4. I can’t get over attributes. I add for example color white and silver, fill all necessary blanks in variation subtab and yet in frontend color white is grayed out and not possible to choose. It is visible but I can only choose silver color… I deleted items, made variations once again with the same result.

    5. On demo version there are much more options and tabs available. Is this an extended version or what? I didn’t see any info that jigoshop installment is void of some core functions. Demo should present vanilla installment, at least it’s what I think. Is there something wrong with my jigoshop?

    It’s so confusing and so frustrating. There are so many shops working on woo or jigo and yet I can’t get pass either of them. No matter what theme, what other settings I have, there are always some bugs that make it completely useless. What gives? Is it somehow my WP network corrupted? I have no way of knowing, everything is in order, I never messed with it and yet plugins rarely work as promised. Any plugins.


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  • Hey thanks for your great feedback, customers like you help our team to continuously improve our plugin.

    1. Have you tried using any of our themes available at our site? Some of them are free and are designed to specifically work with Jigoshop. As for other themes, we do our best to remain as compatible as possible, however due to the wide variety of themes available we can’t guarantee compatability with everything.

    2. We would have to take a look at your site to help you with this issue.

    3. Sorry about the issues with taxes, we are continuously working to improve our tax handling. If you would like help with this, we could take a look at your site.

    4. This could be a theme issue, we can take a look at your site to check it out.

    5.This is our custom theme “Jigotheme”. It features some customization as it is one of our premium themes.

    Once again we are very sorry about your experience with Jigoshop and we will do our best to assist you. Please send all the issues and system information to [email protected]

    Thread Starter michaldybczak


    1. Yeah, I tried very few free themes that were available on the net and they showed widgets correctly on the main shop page. However since the choice was poor and limited to themes that are very limited themselves, there was not much to do with them. I am aware that free theme and paid theme should have differences but for newbies that just want to play with the jigoshop plugin we should have a bit more choice then there currently is.

    Woocommerce has much more compatible themes. Most themes out there also looks very bad and produces many issues with widgets but there are many articles about free themes for woocommerce and we have a choice from over 40 or more free themes so there is something to choose that will more or less suit me, so I can go further with the tests and eventually, invest so much time and energy to decide to run a shop on this platform and then buy additional extensions etc.

    With jigoshop I was denied all of that so my tests ended quickly and I had nothing more to do. No access to help, even slow one, no solution on the web that would work. All I had was not working “free” plugin that without paying is useless. Woocommerce can work more or less without paying anything, we can play, we can test and obviously we want more functionality so we look for extensions and eventually will be ready for paid ones when the time comes. Again, not the case with jigoshop. In short, jugoshop withdrawn all cookies too much and became too exclusive for just curious tester that is looking for solutions.

    Communication barrier is too high. Maybe it wasn’t in the past, because I see that there was an activity of users but with a tight “pay for any valuable info” policy it’s all obsolete so there is nothing to go on now.

    2. Sorry, I decided to not to spend my time on jigoshop further, so I deleted subdomain that I used for testing of jigoshop. Although now I think it may be caused by the fact that in our country (or maybe in Europe in general?) we use a coma for decimal places and point for thousands (optional), so we automatically fill the price 3,87, not 3.87.
    On woocommerce once I set decimal sign as comma, it accepts prices with comma, but other values as weight or prices in additional shipment plugins must still be with point.
    So it’s a possibility that despite the same setting on jigoshop, prices are shown with coma but must be filled with point. But I can’t test it now. Besides, that was one of many problems.

    3. Taxes works well on woocommerce, not much of a problem there, just mark that all prices are with tax and put the percent of my tax (it happens that it is always the same in my business so I don’t need any fancy options here). The amount of tax in prices is shown, while all prices are with tax, even in cart and checkout, so it’s exactly what I wanted.

    4. Maybe, but since I didn’t have much themes to test on I couldn’t tell.

    5. Now you tell me? My first reaction when I saw demon was:

    Demo isn’t helping at all, because surprisingly there is much more functionality there, then on version I had installed. So my question was, is a free version a lite version? I couldn’t find anything about it. So are those extended functions because of some additional paid plugins? So what would I have to pay to get at least such effect like on demon? No answers, so it just throws me away once again.

    Maybe there are answers on your site, but since it all takes too much time, I may have not noticed them and that means they are not properly exposed.

    Why don’t you make two demons available?

    a) vanilla installment on a free theme – just to see what I get, before playing with it on my own playground

    b) extended functionality demo on paid theme – what I could get when I pay for it

    Nice and clearly showed what is the difference.

    Without it I just show a bunch of incompatible themes, few compatible free themes with virtually no options and a battery of paid, expensive themes, without knowing what I actually will get. First one needs to have functional free site then go shopping for more.

    At the moment we can’t have anything functional for free, so no cookies, no conversion from my side ;).

    Because there is many technical issues and very often things don’t work always like promised, we MUST TEST IT, before purchasing.

    A great example is Smart Manager Lite for woocommerce. I can see how it works and clearly see limitations of a free version, but it’s so useful and so helpful that it is almost inevitable – we must buy it at some point, but I still can use it as a lite version as well, which is good for testing purposes and on the beginning.

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