Display Custom Post Type | Need PHP | Need Steps
Hi Gang,
Website: https://the-rv-life.com/
Webpage: https://the-rv-life.com/rv-resources/rv-info-sites/1. Tried out CCTM Plugin – Custom Content Type Manager, works as intended, however, it conflicts with Yoast’s ‘WordPress SEO’ Plugin. I use the Yoast Plugin, so that leaves me unable to use CCTM Plugin.
2. Next, I searched some more, and found Yoast did a blog piece on a plugin called Types … you can see it here … https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/types/ … it looks like a very nicely done plugin, and reliable. However, (and there is a ‘but’) the Types Plugin is free to the WP Community, but, alas, the Views Plugin, that would reputedly handle the PHP is a paid animal.
3. I am needing a one-time php file setup on this website, for these displays on this one page of the website, which I know is not terribly difficult, though it is rather technical.
4. So, that’s what I need the help with, creating and placing the php files in the right places with the right code … again, for this page on the website … https://the-rv-life.com/rv-resources/rv-info-sites/.
5. This is simply a list display, in ascending, alphabetical order of the entries in the custom post type, ‘RV Info Sites’, with a slug of ‘rv-info-site’. The custom post type was created with the Types Plugin.
6. The Types Plugin conveniently does not give too much tutorial guidance on setting up the php files and php codes as they would like to steer you towards buying the Views Plugin, which sounds like a very nice option for the future, but not for now.
7. And since I am in love with the Customizr Theme and I am beginning to learn more about Customizr, such as, that it uses ‘object-oriented code’, according to RDell – “Czr has been built using Object-oriented code so the traditional php pages don’t drive the Theme. The code is generated using the php files found in customizr/inc & especially customizr/parts.” https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/custom-post-type-archive-page-2?replies=3, … I am beginning to think that I need to come to the Customizr Community for the help I need, rather than the Types Community since Customizr seems to have some uniqueness in the way it is written and built.
Any guidance is appreciated.
Thanks much,
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