• Will it ever be possible to do dynamic sorting of posts? it would be nice to reorder posts at will.

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  • Thread Starter Anonymous

    no one?

    What kind of sorting are you interested in?
    Could you be a little more specific?

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Posts are locked in by date. it would be nice if you could reorder posts at will. reguardles of the date they were posted

    Have a look at
    It doesn’t just have to return archives, it can be used to power an index template.

    Hmm, I’m looking for something similar… custom post ordering.

    Specifically, I am creating a page that lists a musician’s gigs. I have “Gigs” as a category. I originally thought that I would use the gig’s date as the post title, then date the post with the gig date. (I am then also syndicating the category headines–the gig dates–back to the home page.) What fails here is that WP won’t let me assign a published date for a post that is in the future; it defaults back to today.

    I looked for event plugins, found a few but they seem to emply a table/grid calendar display. I simply want to post the gigs as regular posts. I also looked for musician and gig related plugins, but found none.

    With all the band sites out there powered by WP, there has to be a solution out there for this.

    All comments appreciated,
    JF ??

    This post was interesting:

    I ended up going with EventCalendar2:

    At first glance, it didn’t look like it would suit my needs, but digging deeper it became clear that it’s not just about a calendar display. This plugin also makes my RSS syndication of the Gigs cat headlines on the home page obsolete since you can include the headlines easily enough with:

    <?php ec2_get_events(); ?>

    However, I’ll keep Magpie running that since I am also using it to provide a more customized display of posts from my News cat on the home page.

    JF ??

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