• I had to delete this plug-in because the search widget messes up a search widget in another must have plug-in. I suspect the variable names are the same.

    Also, when deleting, this plug-in does not drop the tables created in the database.

    This is a really cool plug-in with a lot of nice features. If it were able to add the markers to an existing map created by other plug-ins, that would be amazing. You could pick up the longitude and latitude from the database.


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  • Plugin Author Stiofan



    Please let us know the plugin this was conflicting with and we can see if there is an easy solution.

    The tables should be dropped when deleting i double check that.

    Adding markers to other maps from other plugins would be extremely difficult, what what this map got that we don;t have? ??



    Thread Starter Outdoorsmen


    The plug-in is WPL. Both are fairly new plug-ins.

    I’m sure I could use your plug-in to list properties, but I like their format. I would really like to use GeoDirectory with their plug-in, but there are too many css conflicts on the front end and back end, mostly with drop-down boxes. I also need to be able to list by the same locations, which GeoDirectory does not allow at this time.

    WPL has a basic add-on that adds markers, but does not provide the detail. GeoDirectory does with class and has a professional style.

    Another option to consider would be to allow data from sites like Education.com create markers.

    I hope you can resolve the conflict and make it so users can select different locations. I can live with several maps if I have to.

    Plugin Author Stiofan


    Thanks for the info, i had not seen this plugin before.

    Iam not sure what you mean by this

    ” I also need to be able to list by the same locations, which GeoDirectory does not allow at this time.”

    ? We have a locations manager if that’s what you mean?

    We have plans for a real estate addons and themes, i am not sure how far on your project is but if you are interested then we would be willing to work with you to build grate real estate addons?



    Thread Starter Outdoorsmen


    I am interested in working with you. Let me know how you want to proceed.

    I did not see your multi-location add-on. The idea was to have your plug-in automatically pick up the location and provide users the Geodirectory information. A real estate add-on could solve this issue.

    I sent you a message through you contact us form on your site.

    Plugin Author Paolo


    Hi Paul,

    I’m not a real estate listing websites expert, but IMHO the custom post type addon already offer everything needed to create a real estate website or classified website with GeoDirectory.
    You can add any custom field needed to make it a real estate listing.

    If you need to add your listings to multiple locations, there is the Multilocation addon. https://wpgeodirectory.com/addons/multilocation/



    Thread Starter Outdoorsmen


    There is more to making a real estate listing than just adding fields. If it were that easy, any form creator could do the job. I believe Stiofan recognizes this and it is why he asked for assistance.

    To stay on topic…..

    Any word on the CSS fix? I have other sites that could still use Geodirectory.

    Plugin Author Paolo


    Other than the CSS conflict with drop-down boxes with WPL plugin (which I really think it will be very difficult to make compatible cause it basically does the same thing, but specific to real estate). I don’t see other css fix mentioned.

    Thread Starter Outdoorsmen


    Actually, it is your plug-in that is causing the error. Paolo’s defensive attitude and unwillingness to correct the error presented a challenge for me to find the error. You have a width setting that is overriding the CSS. Not only does it mess up the other plug-in that I was using, it plays havoc with most themes.

    Plugin Author Stiofan



    I am working on css and templates this week. If you want some input you can email me ur skype info at wpgeodirectory.com



    Plugin Author Paolo



    of course we are willing to fix anyhing that can be fixed. I just asked what problems you were experiencing, other than what mentioned about WPL plugin so that we could look into it…

    I don’t really understand what you are accusing me of here and in your review.

    Please also consider that it takes time to correct issues and release updates. The plugin is only 1 month old and we already released 4 updates.

    I looked at WPL, it looks like an excellent tool, the problem is that both WPL and our plugin deal with similar tasks and conflicts are not always easy to solve.

    If you think about it, it would be like trying to make an ecommerce website using 2 different ecommerce plugins because none of what’s available makes exactly what you want. Would you do that?

    As Stiofan said, it’d probably be easier to build a Real Estate addon with all the festures an expert would expect, than making GeoDirectory work with a similar 3rd party plugin.

    That said, we are totally rewriting all templates in the attempt to solve most compatibility issues. We are also developing shortcodes for most directory elements to make it easier to integrate it with other theme and page builders.

    All we ask is a little patience…


    Thread Starter Outdoorsmen


    Line 12 (.chosen-container {width:100%!important;}) from chosen.css is the statement that interferes with the drop down boxes. Assuming your plug-in will be the only one using .chosen is a major boo boo.

    Using an if statement to confirm it is a Geodirectory page may solve this issue. SeeTHIS and this fix.

    Good luck and I will be patient.

    Thread Starter Outdoorsmen


    This plug-in does not uninstall properly. It should undo ALL of the changes it makes when it was installed. ie: Drop tables created, delete demo data, remove categories, etc.

    Plugin Author Paolo



    the plugin uninstall as it was designed and as most popular plugin work on the wordpress community.

    Please try bbpress (made by the people behind wordpress itself)
    or Woocommerce just to name 2 and you will see that they will do the same when uninstalled. Pages created, database tables and all data remain untouched.

    The reason behind this is simple, if someone would deactivate the plugin by mistake, it would lose all his work.


    Thread Starter Outdoorsmen


    Paolo, Delete not deactivate (Elimina non disattivare).

    When an administrator deactivates a plug-in, it does not remove the data or database tables, as you say. However, when an administrator deletes a plug-in, WordPress confirms that you are wanting to remove the plug-in, data and database tables. Once you confirm that you want to delete the plug-in, it is supposed to undo ALL of the changes it made when it was installed.

    Let me rephrase my earlier statement….

    This plug-in does not uninstall properly when you go to delete it. Deleting Geodirectory should undo ALL of the changes it made when it was installed. ie: Drop tables created, delete demo data, remove categories, etc.

    Plugin Author Paolo


    Hi Again,

    thanks for the extra details. We can definitely look it into it.


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