Widgets not showing
I have downloaded the plugin and added widgets to the ‘Menubar Area’ in the widgets menu but nothing is showing in the menubar.
Do I need to do something else to get this working?
The first you add widgets to “Menubar Area”, then you must active them in the “menu settings” for each menu item through the following address :
Appearance > Menus
Please do not forget be active “description” item of ” Show advanced menu properties “ in ” Appearance > Menus ( Screen Options ) “, otherwise the widgets not displayed in menu settings.
I am having the same problem as Just Corin and there is no, as you say, Show advanced menu properties” in “Appearance > Menus ( Screen Options )” in the Menu section of the Dashboard at Appearance > Menus.
hi @drycreekweb and thanks for feedback. ??
If you can see “Menubar Area”, but the widgets will not be displayed in “Appearance > Menus” section, so maybe the menubar-widgets plugin be interfering to other plugins or current theme.
A similar issue reported here.
I recommend you use this way :
function overwrite_menubar_widgets_walker() { global $Menubar_Widgets_Plugin; remove_filter("wp_edit_nav_menu_walker", array( $Menubar_Widgets_Plugin, "register_menubar_widgets_walker"), 10 ); add_filter("wp_edit_nav_menu_walker", array( $Menubar_Widgets_Plugin, "register_menubar_widgets_walker"), 150 ); } add_action( 'after_theme_setup', 'overwrite_menubar_widgets_walker' );
Same Issues with my menubar plugin…there is no advanced options nor is there options within each menu item.
hi @ndesign55.
Have you seen this video?
Checked it out, looks like after my updates to wordpress 4 is the underlying reason why Im not finding any luck with the functionality :z
Scratch that Hadi, tested on basic WP4 install and MenuBar worked fine. I running Virtue Themes which seems to be the problem at this point…I ran updates and switched back to twenty-twelve theme and everything is looking fine : )
Please send to me your theme to check out and find a solution.
rss_samuel[‘at’sign]yahoo.comI made a Child Theme for the Catch Fire theme and added your php above to the child functions.php file but I see no change.
I watched the video. I only see the Menubar Area in Appearance > Widgets. I see no Menubar Widgets section in Appearance > Menus. I checked “Description” in the menu options.
I’m sorry @drycreekweb for the delay in submitting this comment. I did not receive any notification for this topic. ??
Please add the big numbers for third parameter of add_filter function, for example :
function overwrite_menubar_widgets_walker() { global $Menubar_Widgets_Plugin; remove_filter("wp_edit_nav_menu_walker", array( $Menubar_Widgets_Plugin, "register_menubar_widgets_walker"), 10 ); add_filter("wp_edit_nav_menu_walker", array( $Menubar_Widgets_Plugin, "register_menubar_widgets_walker"), 500 ); } add_action( 'after_theme_setup', 'overwrite_menubar_widgets_walker' );
If this did not work for you, i can not help, Unless you send me your theme.
I put the code you just sent into my child theme’s functions.php file. I don’t understand what “big numbers for third parameter of add_filter function” are. Looks like it is where you put “500”. I don’t what number I am supposed to put there so I just put it in the way you wrote it to see if anything would happen.
Sorry, I am a primarily a designer with very limited php knowledge, so I don’t understand what your code is doing.
The theme I am using is: https://www.ads-software.com/themes/catch-flames (Oops, I told you Catch Fire before, sorry, it’s Catch Flames)
Your plugin looks awesome, I hope we can get it to work!
Thank’s @drycreekweb. ??
You can vote to this plugin, here.I checked your theme, there is not any problem to menubar-widgets plugin.
After put above code on child theme functions.php file, If you still can not see the menubar-widgets section, so there is here a problem to another plugins.Please deactivate your plugins for find the plugin that is problematic.
Okay, thank you.
Hi, Hadi. Thanks for pointing me to this thread. I don’t understand much of it, but I did try disabling other plugins, and it had no effect.
If you don’t see the widgets under the menu section, you should to follow this steps:
1. Tick the “description” checkbox
Under “Appearance > Menus” page, go to “Screen Options” and tick the “description” checkbox.
then check the menubar-widgets section, if it had not effect, follow next step.
2. Overwrite the Walker_Menubar_Widgets class
Using one code editor ( like NotePade++ ), open the functions.php file ( exists under your theme directory, e.g wp-content/your-theme/functions.php ).
And then copy this code and paste into functions.php file :
function overwrite_menubar_widgets_walker() { global $Menubar_Widgets_Plugin; remove_filter("wp_edit_nav_menu_walker", array( $Menubar_Widgets_Plugin, "register_menubar_widgets_walker"), 10 ); add_filter("wp_edit_nav_menu_walker", array( $Menubar_Widgets_Plugin, "register_menubar_widgets_walker"), 500 ); } add_action( 'after_theme_setup', 'overwrite_menubar_widgets_walker' , 200 );
check the menubar-widgets section, if it had not effect, follow next step.
3. Switch theme or disable another plugins
You can switched back to twenty-twelve theme or disable another plugins, and then check the menubar-widgets section, if it had not effect, please report the issue here.
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