• Resolved jkozuch


    I am having some troubles with conditional tags (again).

    I would like for the page called home to have a different sidebar than the one that /journal/ uses.

    I’ve tried everything I can possibly think of to get this to happen, but I’m plumb out of ideas. Anyone have any suggestions?

    Edit: here is the code i am using:

    if (is_home()) {
    echo "<h4>Noteworthy Notes</h4>
    <p>pxleight is built using WordPress, a state-of-the-art semantic personal publishing platform with a focus on aesthetics, web standards, and usability. Best of all, its free, and can be downloaded from <a href='https://www.www.ads-software.com/' title='WordPress' target='_blank'>https://www.www.ads-software.com/</a>.</p>
    <p>If you have an RSS Aggregator (I recommend <a href='https://www.feedreader.com/' title='FeedReader RSS Aggregator' target='_blank'>FeedReader</a>), add my feed to your reader. Come on... you know you want to!</p>
    <p><img src='/wp-content/images/blog/icons/icon_feed.png' alt='pxleight RSS Feed' /> <a href='https://feeds.feedburner.com/pxleight' title='Subscribe to my feed' rel='alternate' type='application/rss+xml'>pxleight RSS Feed</a></p>
    <p><a href='https://technorati.com/faves?add=https://www.pxleight.com/journal'><img src='https://static.technorati.com/pix/fave/tech-fav-1.gif' alt='Add to Technorati Favorites' width='145' height='25' border='0' /></a></p>"; }


    elseif (is_page()) {
    echo 'Search the Blog:<br />
    <form method="get" id="searchform" action="/">
    <div><input type="text" value="" name="s" id="s" size="10" />
    <input type="submit" id="searchsubmit" value="Go" />
    <h4>Noteworthy Notes</h4>
    <p>Here you can find some information about:</p>
    <li><a href="/about/#me" title="About Me">Me</a></li>
    <li><a href="/services/" title="Services">Services</a><li>
    <strong><li><a href="/portfolio/" title="My Portfolio">My Portfolio</a></li></strong>
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    <li><a href="/favorites/" title="Favorites">Favorites</a></li>
    <li><a href="/about/#site" title="About The Site">The Site</a></li>
    <li><a href="/about/#accessibility" title="Accessibility Features">Accessibility Features</a></li>
    <li>Name: Justin Kozuch</li>
    <li>Age: 28</li>
    <li>Where: Toronto, ON</li>
    <h4>Career History</h4>
    <li><a href="/wp-content/docs/justinkozuchresume.pdf" onclick="javascript:urchinTracker(/downloads/resume/);" title="My CV">My CV</a> (PDF 44kb)</li>
    <h4>Extra Stuff</h4>
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    <li><a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/somesuchstuff/" title="My Flickr Photos" target="_blank">My Flickr Photos</a></li>
    <li><a href="https://www.amazon.ca/gp/registry/wishlist/ref=topnav__gw/702-7613896-3343239" title="Amazon Wishlist" target="_blank">My Amazon Wishlist</a></li>
    </ul>'; }

    – Justin

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