• Hi there,

    please give me feedback on my sites layout and the use of wordpress’ potential.


    Most of you probably can’t read or understand the content, but i hope you still are able to comment on the site from a graphic and user-friendly (not friendly?) point of view…

    Edit: if you were wondering; the site features movietrailers, good examples of advertising, news about music and som timeconsuming webgibberish…

    In advance: thanks.

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  • Nice design, clean and easy to navigate. Takes a while to load though, maybe cut down the number of posts on the first page?

    Nice and clean indeed. I would only note that the titles on the right side, like “Arkivene” and “Kommentarer” aren’t quite as easy to distinguish as titles than, say, your post titles. Maybe make them a little bolder or bigger? Also, what is this <liten> tag you use for the dates?

    Very simple– looks just like the default theme (using green instead of blue). Well done!

    umm, actually the header grphic changes color ??

    Its very nice, and im pleased to see someone using a fixed width theme thats got a grasp of what size images they can safely get way with posting.

    well done!

    Same notes as “RenegadeLatino”.
    + On the post page the right menu goes to the bottom of page in IE6
    + Left margin and right margin differs…but this is really a personal opinion.

    Overall a nice clean layout.

    Thread Starter morgenutgaven


    thanks for all the feedback,
    alainS: do you mean when you enter a permalink that the menu drops?
    i’m on a mac and can’t check…? And what do you mean with right and left differs? pardon my english, it’s not the thing i do best here in the world so i don’t understand every word, but do you mean that there is a difference on the sides to the border?

    RenegadeLatino: i’m looking into that, i agree with what you’re saying. they should be easier to find. about ‘liten’, this was a mistake on my side. =)

    Meyithi: indeed, i’ve now gone from 15 to 10. guess this will save me some bandwith as well…?

    jackosh: i certainly don’t hope so. if all my work ended up as the same look as the default, that’s too bad really… =)

    I can send you screenshots. It’ll be easier than talking “engrish” ?? Just give me your mail.

    I like it. It doesn’t look like the default, other than the header block – none of those stupid rounded corners for one thing.

    I’m not seeing the sidebar drop when going to permalinks/post page (FF2.0+ on winxp pro sp2, 17″ CRT 1024×768) – alainS must be on IE. And I don’t see that the margins vary in width either.

    Good job!

    Sorry morgenutgaven, I did not mean the default theme, I meant K2! But When I said looks like, I meant it more like similar to! I don’t think it looks exactly like anything else! Again, Well done!

    Thread Starter morgenutgaven


    thanks guys, good to hear. i love wordpress and i’m trying to use it’s full potential, but i’m not quite there yet.

    jackosh: k2 is a greath theme, can’t be offended by being compared to that.. =)

    vkaryl: thanks for the ff2.0 pc test and for the compliment. appreciate it.

    alainS: that would be great. ombuene (at) gmail (dot) com

    Sorry to be so late …but holidays and stuff … ??
    I’ll send u screenshot with explanation soon.

    Yup. I’ve checked the site with FF and IE as I do with any website I’m working on it or checking it for advice. It looks cool in FF but in IE it’s broken (menu gets down and margins are uncosistent).

    I’m wondering how people in web design business ignores IE. As for now I’m geting 70% of visitors on IE. It may be not a standard-savy browser …but … I am working for visitors (customers, potential users, clients…) and not for FF addicts. My goal is to get consistency …no matter if FF or IE. It’s not a matter of browser… it’s matter of how you present your product, idea or whatever to end user.
    This explanation has nothing to do with this thread nor persons in this thread but with people developing websites only for specific browser. As a professional u can teach a client that FF is the cool one ..but U have to deal with visitors that have IE, Opera, Linux, Mac etc.

    I don’t give a f*** as a client if a site validates. I want that my site looks almost same on all browswers.

    Thread Starter morgenutgaven


    i second that alainS. I totally agree, i have as low as 62% internet explorer users on my site, but that’s still over half of all visitors. it’s just not good enough that my site seems unlogical and poor to over 50% of my visistors. hope you can help me fix this!

    by all means, i know it’s vacation time and i really appreciate all the feedback and help. i don’t expect to get answers right away! =)

    Oh, I don’t at all ignore IE. I simply code around it using conditionals, which of course isn’t “perfectly” the same as in real browsers, though it’s certainly never “broken”, especially when I’m doing sites for paying clients.

    Then again, anyone using IE deserves whatever s/he sees – while I do my level best to provide a good viewing experience for all, many millions of others do not.

    In this day and age there is simply NO REASON WHATSOEVER for allowing MS (or anyone else) to dictate what browser one uses on the ‘net. Especially when for instance, MS’s browsers are so horrendously broken, not to mention insecure.

    I’ve sent you screenshots.

    Totaly agree with you.

    Thread Starter morgenutgaven


    hey alainS,
    got the screenshots, thanks so much – looks bad for the site though. any idea of how i can prevent the menu from dropping?

    and the margin-problem don’t show up on the mac either, isn’t that weird?

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