• I have been dealing with the NG verion 2.0+ problems like everyone else has. I have rolled back on many occasions and have been able to keep my site working in a crippled state.

    However, now, I am totally unable to upload new images into a gallery. My site is photo intensive and relies on Nextgen as it’s gallery plugin. I have 300 complex galleries and cannot switch to another plugin author at this point.

    I need to know how to get your plugin to either work with version 1.9.13 properly, or get it to work with your latest 2.+ that has never worked.

    I have disabled all other plugins to test functionality, and it still does not work. I need all input from members please.

    Operating System : Linux (32 Bit)
    Server : Apache
    Memory usage : 6.43 MByte
    MYSQL Version : 5.0.96-log
    SQL Mode : Not set
    PHP Version : 5.3.24
    PHP Safe Mode : Off
    PHP Allow URL fopen : On
    PHP Memory Limit : 268435456
    PHP Max Upload Size : 32M
    PHP Max Post Size : 33M
    PCRE Backtracking Limit : 500000
    PHP Max Script Execute Time : 30s
    PHP Exif support : Yes ( V1.4 )
    PHP IPTC support : Yes
    PHP XML support : Yes

    Graphic Library

    GD Version : bundled (2.0.34 compatible)
    FreeType Support : Yes
    FreeType Linkage : with freetype
    T1Lib Support : No
    GIF Read Support : Yes
    GIF Create Support : Yes
    JPEG Support : Yes
    PNG Support : Yes
    WBMP Support : Yes
    XPM Support : No
    XBM Support : Yes
    JIS-mapped Japanese Font Support : No


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  • Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @dansrv – Your server settings from what I can see should be fine, at least there are none there that I would immediately recommend changing.

    Can you provide a link to your site, perhaps there will be something in the page source that will provide a clue, otherwise you are welcome to submit a Bug Report (https://www.nextgen-gallery.com/report-bug/ … please reference this topic) with your site’s specifics so we can try to help you that way.

    We will likely need log in and FTP credentials for your WordPress installation as well, please include those with your Bug Report.


    – Cais.

    I’ve been having issues with uploading pics for an hour. Neither flash based not non-flash methods work. I could only upload a few pics instead of the whole batch. It doesn’t work both when I am trying to upload a few pics at once and when I try to upload only one pic. I am on version 1.9.13 (still cannot overcome the shock of bedlam that the first 2. version caused so haven’t updated since then and not going to).

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @samaralife – Your issue would be different from the OP and would be best as its own topic, but more importantly we are focusing our support efforts on the latest release of NextGEN Gallery.


    – Cais.

    @cais Issue’s resolved. Thanks. But this is kind of unkind and harsh to announce that you could care less for the versions that have stood the test of time. ))

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @samaralife – I’m glad the issue is resolved … and it is not the case of a “care less” stance as it is a case of following the common stance of supporting the most current release.

    If my words took on a “tone” of unkindness or harshness, my apologies as that was not the intent in any way or form.

    – Cais.

    @cais – Sorry for the remark, I understand your priorities. Good luck!

    Plugin Contributor photocrati


    @samaralife – No worries. I’ve always said “text has no tone” but I also fully understand we also always (well, most of the time at least) read text with a tone in our heads … I know I do it all the time.

    – Cais.

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