Hi there Lightroom is an Adobe software that many photographers use in their workflow for cataloging, editing and publishing (eg publish to web) their work. There are plugins that are usually created by 3rd party developers (eg https://alloyphoto.com/) that allow you to publish your work in lightroom directly to your website, gallery etc. There are lightroom plugins for many online portfolio sites like smugmug, flikr, zenfolio etc. Nextgen gallery so far is the only wordpress gallery plugin that I see has a lightroom plugin.
Here is a link to lightroom for more info https://www.adobe.com/ca/products/photoshop-lightroom.html
The publishing capabilities with a lightroom plugin is really helpful since it skips the step of having to save your images somewhere to jpg first before uploading with your uploader. Lightroom converts your raw and tif image files upon exporting directly to the web/gallery. It keeps all your tags and meta data as well. Also another benefit is to be able to make an edit or change to a picture in the your lightroom catalogue and if that image is in your website or gallery all you have to do is click a publish button and your website gallery will update accordingly. So fast and easy! So many more benefits!!
Hope you guys will consider this in the future. In the mean time I feel kind of stuck with only using nextgen.