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  • Nice one!

    For unique presentation you get 10 of 10!
    For color scheme 4/10. Yellow links are so vivid that my young eyes can’t take it anymore.
    Maybe the post page has a too wide width for readability.
    At the bottom of page the links are lost with titles…it seems that all the bottom is just one big section and not “next/previous” “categories” “back to top” and “home”. Visually it is a mess and not user-friendly.

    Hope that this will help you somewhat.

    Again…congrats for not so ordinary layout.

    Thread Starter wibu


    “For color scheme 4/10. Yellow links are so vivid that my young eyes can’t take it anymore.”

    I’m pretty set on the yellow link color and they don’t seem that bright on any of my laptops or screens. I’ll try a more toned down shade and see how it looks.

    “Maybe the post page has a too wide width for readability.”

    What exactly do you mean there? Too wide in general or is the post content area too wide? (I decided to aim for 1024 pixel width with this design if it makes any difference)

    “At the bottom of page the links are lost with titles…it seems that all the bottom is just one big section and not “next/previous” “categories” “back to top” and “home”.”

    Agreed. It’s the one part of the site that I’m not entirely happy with yet.

    For the “wide width” I’ve meant that text block is maybe to wide for normal readability. Perhaps 200px less. I don’t know what can it be there in the gap. But take this one just as a personal choice…not an issue like bottom of the page.

    The only thing I see that I feel could be better is what’s already been said, the “Home” and “Back to the Top” links are visually the same as the categories. I think the “Next” and “Previous” are ok, its just the other two buttons.

    Original though, good idea.

    Thread Starter wibu


    I’ve just updated the style along with the new name. I’ve taken in to consideration the ideas brought up here and I’m pretty happy with the result.

    Criticisms and thoughts welcome.


    Additionally if anyone is using Safari could they tell me if it looks ok? It should do but I don’t have access to a Mac to test it.

    Snap, that is awesome. I really like the changes you’ve made. That top header bar looks great.

    Few things, the right column on the single page says “Latest H and G”, should that be “Latest C and G” maybe?

    Also, the two columns, Latest Specifics and then Latest Everything, might be a little much. It seems like a nice minimal design so maybe just the one column <–personal preference.

    Are you going to let people comment at any point or will it always be no comments?

    Thread Starter wibu


    “the right column on the single page says “Latest H and G”, should that be “Latest C and G” maybe?”

    Fixed. It was originally Hardware and computing but I changed it for various reasons.

    “Also, the two columns, Latest Specifics and then Latest Everything, might be a little much.”

    The “Latest Everything” is just filler at the moment. I’ll probably replace it with latest discussions/comments and something else.

    “Are you going to let people comment at any point or will it always be no comments?”

    There will be comments eventually. Probably when I get back to regular blogging in February.

    Nice re-touch! Nothing to add.

    Thread Starter wibu


    Just had a little play with it, again.

    I’ve played with the spacing and size of stuff quite a bit.

    I’ve changed the font from Arial to Trebuchet MS (or Helvetica if you have it installed) and toned down the main font color so it’s easier on the eyes when reading.

    I’ve also changed the content in the old “latest everything” (far right) sidebar.

    And finally I’ve added some sort of gradient at the top. It’s not an image and the 2 tone look was intended.

    As always opinions welcome.

    Thread Starter wibu


    “I’ve changed the font from Arial to Trebuchet MS (or Helvetica if you have it installed)”

    Scratch that. It’s back to Arial now.

    They should really increase the time allowed for edits on here.

    Thread Starter wibu


    I think I’ve made some of the final changes for now:

    Name change, again, to

    Played with the spacing yet again, the header area is now more compact.

    The header text is now an image with a slight shadow and tight kerning.

    Lightened the background and faded some of the lighter fonts, again.

    I’ve got comments designed and implemented but they’re hidden/off until I start blogging regularly in February.

    I’ve also upgraded to 2.1 which was pretty uneventful and easy. The AdminCP definitely seems more responsive.

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