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  • Do the twig/CSS/settings 3-step:
    1. Dashboard->Events->Calendar Themes – Change to a different calendar theme, then back.
    2. Dashboard->Events->Theme Options – Hit Save Options.
    3. Dashboard->Events->Settings –> Viewing Settings tab – Hit Save Settings.

    Thread Starter kkjaerbye


    Awesome, cefiar! That worked. Thanks!

    Do you have a hint to adjust the length of the event title showed in the event widget? The title is cut off at around 30 characters followed by “…”.


    You need to create a child calendar theme. See – Like in that example, I’ll assume you’re using the name ‘mytheme’ for the dir. Feel free to name it whatever you like. DO NOT ACTIVATE IT till you make any changes.

    Once you’ve done that, copy …../wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/public/themes-ai1ec/vortex/twig/agenda-widget.twig into …../wp-content/themes-ai1ec/mytheme/twig/ (if the directory doesn’t exist, create it).

    You then have to edit that file you just copied into mytheme/twig/ and look for the following line:

    {{ event.get_runtime( 'filtered_title' ) | truncate | raw }}

    Replace it with:

    {{ event.get_runtime( 'filtered_title' ) | raw }}

    Once you’ve made the change, then you can activate the new calendar child theme you’ve created.

    If you wanted it to truncate at 60 characters, you should be able to pass truncate a number (it’s 35 characters by default).


    {{ event.get_runtime( 'filtered_title' ) | truncate (60) | raw }}

    If you want to know more about twig, see:

    Hope this helps.

    Note: Ai1ec now caches CSS and PHP templates (created from the twig files) in …../wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/cache/ – so if you make a change, you might need to clear that directory. This directory needs to be writeable by the webserver for this to work.

    Thread Starter kkjaerbye


    Thanks a lot! Awesome support ??

    Thread Starter kkjaerbye



    @cefiar I tried changing the calendar theme but all I get is a fatal error:

    Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 41943040 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 8755 bytes) in /data/19/2/30/59/2682059/user/2945283/htdocs/wordpress1/wp-content/plugins/all-in-one-event-calendar/vendor/lessphp/ on line 119

    @cdb3212 – THis indicates you’re running out of memory for WP to use.

    It looks like PHP/WP has only 40MB allocated to it (40 x 1024 x 1024 = 41943040). I’d boost that to at least 64MB, or maybe even 72MB or 96MB.

    I suggest you use a plugin like WP-Memory-Usage to check out your allocated memory. It will give you a good idea of how much is free. I’d make sure you have about 16MB free always, as that will cover any extra usage (the plugin only gives you a baseline reading at the time the page loads).

    Note: WP-Memory-Usage slows down admin pages loading (not elsewhere on the site). Once you’ve debugged your issue I suggest disabling it but leaving it installed. This way, you can always turn it back on to investigate an issue without slowing down your admin screens too much.

    PS: PHP memory for WP can be set in 3 different places (php.ini, .htaccess, wp-config.php) so you may need to check all three places to see if a limit was put in place somewhere.

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