Hi Jacquie,
Thank you for the kind words regarding the plugin. We put a lot of time and hard work in to it, so I’m glad that you are finding the interaction between MailChimp and WordPress seamless.
1) In regards to your support requests, are you sure that you have added the correct reCAPTCHA Public and Private API keys? If you enable reCAPTCHA and enter the proper keys, the reCAPTCHA form should appear just below the form without any further adjustments needing to be made.
2) You can customize the Submit button by altering the submit_text parameter within the shortcode. For example, here is a sample shortcode:
[yks-mailchimp-list id="adf9331235" submit_text="Submit"]
You’ll notice the submit_text="Submit"
parameter in the shortcode. Adjust the text within the quotes to change the default submit button text.
3) As of right now there currently is no way of displaying a message instead of the signup form, if the user has previously signed up. I’m not sure there is an simple way of achieving this, as I don’t think MailChimp stores IP addresses. I will have a look into this feature for an upcoming release and see if their is a reasonable way of achieving this.