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  • Plugin Author Mat Lipe


    Hi Lee,

    Are you looking for actual <table> markup or just the links to show up in columns?

    Thread Starter Lee


    I was looking to change the way it outputs the final markup…instead of ul / li format, i’d like to use table tr td format.

    I saw on the developer page you have these lines:

    apply_filters( ‘simple_links_markup’,’<ul id=”%s”>’, $this->full_args );
    apply_filters(‘simple_links_link_markup’, ‘<li id=”link-%s”>’, $this->link, $this);

    I’m just not sure how to implement those along with a filter like this:

    add_filter( 'simple_links_link_output', 'adjust_simple_links_output',99, 6 );
    function adjust_simple_links_output( $output, $data, $link, $image, $args, $obj ){
          $obj->args['remove_line_break'] = true;
          $image = $obj->getImage();
          $output = sprintf('<a href="%s" target="%s" title="%s" %s>%s%s</a>',
                                        strip_tags( $obj->getData('description') ),
                                        empty( $obj->meta_data['link_target_nofollow'][0] ) ? '': 'rel="nofollow"',
                                        date( get_option('date_format'), strtotime( $link->post_date ) )
          return $output;

    Are those apply_filter lines for changing the markup like that? Is what I’m trying to do possible within the plugin?

    Could you show an example of this?

    I’m just trying to output the links in a table with the title, date and category in columns in a table, with each link item being its own row.

    Something like this:

    apply_filters( ‘simple_links_markup’,’<table id=”%s”>’, $this->full_args );
    apply_filters(‘simple_links_link_markup’, ‘<tr id=”link-%s”>’, $this->link, $this);

    Thread Starter Lee


    I got this working temporarily by modifying the markup in the plugin script to be tables instead of uls. At least until I can figure it out. Any help or examples on doing this the right way would be greatly appreciated.

    Plugin Author Mat Lipe


    Hi Lee,

    The first filter you will want to use is “simple_links_markup”. Something like this

    add_filter( 'simple_links_markup', function(){
        return '<table class="simple-links-list%s" %s>';

    Then something like this:

    add_filter( 'simple_links_link_markup', function(){
        return '<tr class="%s" id="link-%s">';

    Finally to alter the link output:

    add_filter( 'simple_links_link_output', function($link_output, $meta_data, $link, $image, $args, $class ){
         $category = wp_get_post_terms( $link->ID, 'simple_link_category');
                //Main link output
                $link_output = sprintf('<td><a href="%s" target="%s" title="%s" %s>%s</a></td><td>%s</td><td>%s</td>',
                                        htmlentities(strip_tags( $class->getData('description') ), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'),
                                        empty( $meta_data['link_target_nofollow'][0] ) ? '': 'rel="nofollow"',
                                        htmlentities(strip_tags( $class->getData('description') ), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'),
     },1, 6);

    This should get you close!

    Thread Starter Lee


    Awesome, thanks Mat! I appreciate your help! I will let you know how it works.

    OK, this is a nice example to see… I’m looking for a way to skip the <a href if there is no web address supplied. (I’m repurposing the simple links as a publications database.. and sometimes there isn’t a link supplied to the actual paper, so it defaults to a plain citation. of course, if I don’t specify a web address, it puts in a href=”” so it links to the same page which is a little confusing.

    So I would do something like (in the theme? or in functions.php?)

    add_filter( 'simple_links_link_output', function($link_output, $meta_data, $link, $image, $args, $class ){
         $category = wp_get_post_terms( $link->ID, 'simple_link_category');
         //Main link output
         if (empty($class->getData('web_address'))) {
         } else {
            $link_output= $output = sprintf('<a href="%s" [etc]
         return $link_output;
     },1, 6);


    Also, any hints on how to possibly add something to the shortcode such that I could say something like

    [simple-links category=”<author name>” date=”2013″ description=”true”]

    And it would list everything for that year?

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