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  • Thread Starter longtimenoc


    [Moderator Note: Please ensure that you are embedding links correctly in your posts. Link corrected.]

    Your Customizr theme is corrupted. Your website is not loading several important scripts, one of them being bootstrap.min.js. I bet there are a lot of other things that do not work as they should in your installation. Delete Customizr theme folder (/wp-content/themes/customizr/), download the latest version of the theme (the reddish button) and extract it in the folder mentioned above.

    Get back here if you run into any other problems.

    Thread Starter longtimenoc


    I am running the child theme which I activated only today? so would your advice still stand if that is the case? I understand that a child them doesn’t contain all of the files so if you are looking at source in browser you are seeing child them activated not parent? Now you know that would your advise still stand? and if so do I delete just the active child and remake her? What about all of my settings and docs?

    Thread Starter longtimenoc


    I overwrote a fresh download to themes/customizr whilst whilst keeping the child active.

    A child theme is an extension of the parent. It does not replace the parent. It depends on it. The only purpose of the child theme is to host modifications to the parent theme that are “protected” from parent theme updates.

    And the principle is pretty simple:
    Whenever WP needs a theme file, it first looks in the child theme for it. If it’s not there, it loads it from the parent theme. So whenever you want to modify a parent theme file, you have to copy it in your child theme, keeping the exact same folder structure and apply your mods to it.

    There are two files that do not apply to this rule: functions.php and style.css, both placed in the root of the child theme. These two files should only hold php and css additions, not the parent files code. As you add php or css custom code, for different functionality, you put it in these two files.

    This is simplistic, you should read the complete documentation on how to make a child theme on Customizr website.

    And yes, my advice still stands. You have deleted important parts of your parent theme, which are required for your website to function properly.

    Thread Starter longtimenoc


    went to cpanel and found


    Are they in right place?

    You still do not load core javascript files from parent theme. If you say it’s complete (as in ALL the files are there), it’s clearly not loading. This might have to do with:
    1. Corrupt files in child theme that are loaded instead of parent files (in order to check this you could upload an archive of the contents of your child theme somewhere and let me have a look at it).
    2. Faulty plugins (although they would only affect 1 – 2 scripts, not all), so this is less likely to be the case. Best practice here is to bulk disable all plugins (by renaming the plugins folder to _plugins and going to Dashboard->Plugins. WP will inform you that it has disabled all plugins because he couldn’t find their files. You can rename the folder back to plugins but now all plugins are disabled. Check if your theme loads ok. If it does, Enable plugins one by one and Ctrl+F5 (Force refresh) your homepage until you find the culprit.

    Once we cover these steps we can go to other possible cases.

    Wanna try to de-activate some plug-in you’re using?
    For example this : “plugins/eliminate-render-blocking-javascript/”

    Yes, customizr’s bootstrap.min.js is in the right place. And WP only loads theme files from two folders: customizr-child (the active theme) and customizr (the parent theme). All other themes are ignored. Go through the steps I described above and let’s see if it’s a plugin or the child theme first.

    Thread Starter longtimenoc


    No design at all now just lines without any css

    Thread Starter longtimenoc


    ok deleted a few plugins and child is activated so now activate main instead and come back with the long process of disable all plugins that acub discribes and thnks to d4z_c0nf too- gonna be a long night again, probably have eaten the carpet by morning

    Thread Starter longtimenoc


    the child theme only has three files functions.php style.css and screenshot.png which when viewed is the child theme as basic no styling

    At this moment scripts are loaded. I do not understand why the CSS is not. Anyway, I told you above how to quickly disable all plugins. Append an underscore to the plugins folder and load Dashboard->Plugins once. WP will instantly disable all your plugins. After that, rename your plugins folder back, by removing the underscore and reload the Dashboard->Plugins page once more.

    Now all your plugins are disabled and your homepage should be ok (if your problem had to do with some plugin).

    On a different note, what files are in your child theme? And, more specifically, is your child theme’s functions.php empty, with just a


    on line 1? That’s how it should be when you start a child theme.

    Thread Starter longtimenoc


    ok child activated and plugins renamed site looks like no styling but pics and stuff still there but site does not load correctly at all

    This is weird, the skin css you selected:
    looks empty…

    Not only that.. just the black.min.css seems to be ok ()

    Please upload again the latest customizr version, maybe something went wrong in the last upload..

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