It seems you have run across what appears to be an on-going problem in wp. I’ve read somewhere that it needs an SQL command to handle it automatically.
I think that’s why some themes allow you to choose how comments are handled. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find this in Response. Apart from that Response looks like a good theme.
Anyway, the easiest solution may be to allow comments so that all posts may be commented upon.
To discontinue comments on pages go to Pages => All pages
Select every page and then under Bulk Actions select Edit then Apply.
The pages selected will be show on the left and some options on the right. Choose the option for comments and select Do not allow and click on Update.
This will switch off all comments on existing pages.
For new pages make sure that Discussion and Comments are selected under screen options and remember to uncheck allow comments and pingbacks.
I know it’s not a brilliant solution but at least it will do the job.
I hope this helps
All the best
Dave Foston