• Resolved yannnova



    I am trying to use custom markers on the global map and I can’t find any examples and its a little outside my skill level.

    This is what I was trying was:

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    	$(document).bind('em_maps_locations_hook', function( e, map, infowindow, marker ){
    		marker.setOptions({"icon": "https://domain.org/wp-content/themes/themename/images/icons/marker.png"});

    I got this far from the tutorial page: https://wp-events-plugin.com/tutorials/modifying-event-location-google-maps/

    What is tripping me up is “For the global maps, it’s the same principle, except the hook is called em_maps_locations_hook and one variable is supplied which is an array of markers.” I found the above code on another thread and am sure it would work on a single event map, but it does not translate into the global map.

    Thanks for any help that can be offered.


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  • Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    sorry for the confusion but can you explain it again? however, did you mean to do same on the single location map ?

    Thread Starter yannnova


    I am trying to get custom markers on the global map. The code i posted works if I use it with ’em_maps_location_hook’ for the single Location map, but if I use ’em_maps_locations_hook’ for the Global map I get an error in Console that says:

    TypeError: ‘undefined’ is not a function (evaluating ‘marker.setOptions({“icon”: “https://domain.org/wp-content/themes/themename/images/icons/marker.png”})’)

    The bit you quoted means you should use em_maps_locations_hook (which you are) but to pass only the marker info as an array, not the complete function (as you have in your code above).

    Thread Starter yannnova


    Passing an array instead of the full function is what I am having trouble with and was hopping someone might be able to help me with.

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