Hi @hockeyrivenord,
We’re working on a bit of documentation around this, but here is an outline of how to use the csv importer:
1. Download the sample CSV file via Tools > Import > SportsPress Events (CSV) > “Click here to download a sample.”
2. Open the CSV file in your favorite spreadsheet program. We recommend Google Drive because it ensures proper line endings and encoding.
3. If you’re not using the default soccer preset, change the column names after the “Player” column to reflect the performance values used on your site. To find a list of performance values, go to SportsPress > Settings > Configure > Performance.
4. The date field can be tricky. SportsPress requires the date format:
You can change the date format in most spreadsheet programs including Excel and Google Drive.
5. Save (as UTF-8) and upload.
I hope this helps! I’ll let you know when the official documentation becomes available.