• I had used this great plug-in with an Amazon affiliate link that currently works with the theme’s RSS widget and works with my RSS Feeder app just fine. I wanted the RSS feed to update automatically as a post and was working just fine for top ten items RSS feed. Now it stopped. I figured I changed some setting so I played with settings to no avail. Later I deactivated and deleted the plugin and re-istalled it. To my suprise it STILL had the RSS feed link in it and it still did not work. It gives me two messages – one says that 10 items were returned which is the correct count. But it also gives me this message:

    Updating Amazon.com: Best Sellers in Electronics from <https://www.amazon.com/gp/rss/bestsellers/electronics/?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=ur2&tag=hamradicom-20&gt; … completed in 0 seconds
    Update complete. 0 new posts were syndicated and 0 existing posts were updated

    When I check POSTS I see that all old posts were RETIRED and there are no new posts.

    I thought for sure that a deactivation, deletion and re-install would reset everything and it would require the link to be re-added but was shocked to find out it did not have to be.

    Thoughts anyone?

    Thanks – a mere mortal!

    Jon Kreski


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