• Resolved longtex


    All the old posts are there. I can add new ones, but I can’t edit them once they’re added. There’s no error (or any other kind of) message, it just displays the “edit” screen briefly and goes straight on (or back) to the “view” screen. Ownership appears to be good… hell, I 777’ed the code, and I think the database is ok, ’cause I can add posts and change options and all that good sh!t.

    To clarify: in 1.5x, all was well. I was looking through themes the other day and saw a couple that were V 2.o only, got to looking at it and decided to go ahead and upgrade (or update, or whatever you want to call it). As far as I can see – so far – it is working okay, except for the EDIT part…

    Any ideas?

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  • Thread Starter longtex


    This question may be suffering from a bad Subject line…

    The issue is: I upgraded from 1.5x and now I can’t edit posts.

    From MANAGE, when I go to EDIT, it does bring up the EDIT screen, just long enough to fill in all the text and images, then immediately goes to VIEW.

    The same thing happens from VIEW, when you select EDIT, i.e. it shows the EDIT screen and then jumps back to VIEW.


    Thread Starter longtex


    It isn’t THEME-related – I changed to some different themes, and same behavior.

    Thread Starter longtex


    It isn’t PERMISSIONS-related (not in code, anyway) – I 777’ed all the code, and same behavior.

    Thread Starter longtex


    BTW – I can access my domain via ssh and make any changes you might suggest… I’m thinking about learning a little more PHP and seeing if I can put some debug info in wp-admin/post.php and get at it that way… if you have ideas along that line, please let me know, wouldja, huh?

    First off, a lot of volunteers come in here and look for posts with no replies and help them first – and since not all volunteers are in the same time zone, the ones that know enough to help you may not be around for a while. When you post, you should wait at least 24 hours (not 4) before even considering bumping your thread, because you’ve just taken yourself out of that loop by bumping like this.

    Secondly, you might try providing a link to your site. It’s nice that you’ve provided permission info an such, but only guesses can be made without even the basic info of a link.

    Amd is it *all* posts, or just certain ones?

    Thread Starter longtex


    Thanks for the reply, doodlebee.

    “I can add new ones, but I can’t edit them” – but what I didn’t say was “The old ones behave the same way.” So… it’s ALL posts…

    In trying to troubleshoot this for myself, I was (as I mentioned) looking into adding some debug code.

    Using brute force and ignorance, I added code designed to stop it in its tracks, specifically
    die("message of some sort");

    Progressing through the post.php code, in the ‘edit’ section, I found that it was getting to the right place, evidently finding the right post, and then… for you code monkeys, this should be a clue, right here… starting around line 76 is the following:

    if ($post->post_status == 'static')

    Not wanting to interrupt this, I copied it and changed the “include” to “die” so it would tell me which one was selected:

    if ($post->post_status == 'static')

    I put this code AFTER the “include” code, and my expectation was that it would hit one of those two, show the message and stop right there.

    But NOOOOOOOO! Instead it blew right past ’em and brought up the EDIT screen!

    I’m investigating. I don’t quite understand why it should do that (not knowing any more about PHP than I do at this point) but I have a feeling that the “include” actually pulled in the referenced code and started running it – although I would have expected it to do that anyway – and there’s something about having code AFTER the “include” that gives it something to work with…

    If you have any insights, I’d be happy to hear ’em.


    Sho’ nuff, I put the “die” code ahead of the “include”, and it does die.

    What I’m thinking is that the “include” code goes ahead and includes the code from the referenced file right at that point and begins executing it right then… and apparently never returns to that point (which is why it doesn’t “die” afterward)… seems a bit strange, but maybe dat’s de facks?

    Less posting and more searching might be more beneficial.

    Do you have by any chance a plugin named “framebuster” active? Last time, when 2.0 came out there were tens and tens of topics about this strange redirect.

    The reason I asked about all posts or just particular ones is because – funnily enough – I’m having a similar error, but only with *one* archived post. I can edit it, but when I click “Save” it takes me to my site.

    I tell ya, if I ever figure out why mine’s doing what it’s doing, I’ll pass the info along to you – maybe it’ll help your issue. (I’m currently going line-by-line through the post and another one with no issues to see what’s different)

    Thread Starter longtex


    moshu: I do not have framebuster active. I followed the update/grade docs and deactivated all plugins, and haven’t reactivated any of them. I think it was in fact active with 1.5x, as were quite a few others mostly having to do with my self-modified Semiotic… hmmm… better make that self-idiotic… theme. I’ve been testing this one with several different themes, and it definitely either isn’t the theme or it’s something they all have in common.

    — LATER: ———————————–
    SH!T F!RE!!! I just went back to activate some plugins, and… all the ones I disabled before I upgraded have MAGICALLY reactivated. Well, yeah, I was sleepy enough when I did it, but I’m damned sure I didn’t go click a bunch of “activates”… or any of ’em at all, for that matter. What the hey???

    — STILL LATER: —————————–
    Okay – I went back and took out the “magic” code (the “die” stuff in post.php) and tested EDIT. It went back to the originally described bad behavior. Then I went back and deactivated the (mysteriously) active framebuster… and as they say in Fraintz, VIOLA!! The (*&#$@ thing sure enough edited the way it s’poze to… Looks like framebuster IS the culprit. Now, as I recall, the reason I’ve got framebuster in the first place is that I used Semiotic as a starting point for the theme, so I guess the next step is to find out why framebuster causes the odd behavior. I’ll go check on that (unless you already know why and what?). THANKS for the pointer!

    doodlebee: it was doing it on all posts, new or old.

    I will continue to bang away on this and see if I can find out what it’s doing when it includes the edit_page_form or edit_form_advanced, since that seems to be the next logical step. I’m not thrilled with the new, improved edit screen – I like having it default to html – I know, it means I’m a pervert of some sort, but that’s life, innit? – so maybe I’ll stumble on a way to default the edit the way I want it.

    Thread Starter longtex


    As pointed out by moshu, the cause of this particular problem was the plugin framebuster.

    I went searching, and there were numerous posts on this same error including one linking to a newer version (3.5 I think) of framebuster, which does not exhibit the problem…


    Someone suggested “more searching and less posting”, which is a restatement of a suggestion widely known to software developers, which is generally stated as RTFM… however, I assure you that I did search, but – as is often the case – I didn’t have the right set of keywords. “Edit” is far too general, and “Can’t Edit” didn’t bring up anything useful. “Framebuster” was definitely the magic keyword for this problem, but at the risk of pointing out the obvious, “Framebuster” doesn’t exactly jump out and bite you on the ass when you’re lokking at editing problems…

    Ah, well: All’s Well That Ends Well.

    (Although, mind you, I’m not sure I’ll really be satisfied until I know what it is in framebuster that kicks the edit in the teeth… and worse, why having some code AFTER whatever it is that happens somehow makes it work again… that’s what’s got my tail twisted right now.)

    Again, moshu: Thanks!

    Someone suggested “more searching and less posting”

    … that’s always me because when I was a journalist (in another life) I was thought this: “if somebody writes long texts is capable of other crimes, too” ??

    Thread Starter longtex


    moshu: Yebbut… as I said, I searched… I posted… and while waiting for response(s) I searched more – just didn’t look in the right place(s).

    And besides, one of my faults is that I AM prone to over-explaining as well as over-analyzing. I think this is enhanced by the fact that I also think better (a) aloud and (b) while pacing and (c) writing (typically on a black-or-white board)… since I can’t pace up and down and type at the same time I compensate by writing even more… I had a voice recog program back in W95 days that worked pretty well, but the mic I had at the time was pretty worthless… and wouldja believe, the *&@#$% program won’t run in W98, let alone XP!

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