• Resolved e-commerce-concept



    In first, thank you for your great plugin.

    I am going to translate in french, i rename your files :
    wppizza-locale-en_GB.mo in wppizza-locale-fr_FR.mo
    wppizza-locale-en_GB.po in wppizza-locale-fr_FR.po

    I change some words in french

    I put this files in /wppizza/lang
    and now . . . always in english
    Thanks for your help


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  • Plugin Author ollybach


    did you set fr_FR in your wordpress config ?

    Hello. I can provide you a first french version .po and .mo to be improved.
    Bonjour, j’ai deejà fait une version si vous voulez. dans WP-config il faut ajouter remplacefr la ligne suivante :

    * Langue de localisation de WordPress, par défaut en Anglais.
    * Modifiez cette valeur pour localiser WordPress. Un fichier MO correspondant
    * au langage choisi doit être installé dans le dossier wp-content/languages.
    * Par exemple, pour mettre en place une traduction fran?aise, mettez le fichier
    * fr_FR.mo dans wp-content/languages, et réglez l’option ci-dessous à “fr_FR”.
    define(‘WPLANG’, ‘fr_FR’);

    Le fichier .po contient aussi la francisation de toutes les chaines de carractères en front office qui sont modifiables dans l’onglet localisation du plugin en back. Mais, du au fait de l’apostrophe très présente dans le fran?ais de Molière, les inclure dans la traduction perturbe sql qui n’affiche plus rien après l’aopstrophe. j’éssaie de règler le problème.

    J’ai une question perso : Comment gérez-vous la TVA entre 10% pour la nourriture et 20% pour les alcools ?? car il n’y a qu’une seule case pour indiquer un taux de TVA ??
    Bien cordialement

    I’m sorry but these are English language community forums, so please use English or provide an English translation.

    Thread Starter e-commerce-concept


    Hello Evrybody,

    In first, yes my wp-config is ‘fr_FR’

    I put the file wppizza-fr_FR.po et mo in :wp-content/langages/plugin no work
    I put the file wppizza-locale-fr_FR.po et mo in :wp-content/langages/plugin no work to

    If i translate all the words in french i send to you this files.


    You have to put the .mo file in plugins/wppizza/lang/

    Thread Starter e-commerce-concept


    Thanks for your files, but don’t working, all is in english.

    I don’t know where i can see for this trouble

    Try to change the theme used in front.
    Does your version of wordpress is the french one ?
    The one you can download here :

    Thread Starter e-commerce-concept


    Yes i’m in 3.9.1 in french, i try 2 themes and is the same

    don’t work

    Plugin Author ollybach



    as I am currently on a bit of a roadtrip I’m somewhat sporadic in replying to the threads here for the next few days or so. Apologies for that.

    So, thanks cglaudel for responding here on my behalf.

    Either way though. If you set your lang in the wp-config.php and put the right po/mo file into the lang directory of the plugin, it will work (as otherwise none of the other languages would work either.

    If it does not work , you are doing something else wrong (or your po/mo files are not being read for some reason)

    it should be pretty much irrelevant as to what theme you are using (although it’s always a good idea to make things work with one of the default themes first – i.e twentytwelve for example)

    maybe send me your french language files you have so far and I’ll have a look

    Thread Starter e-commerce-concept



    no problem for your roadtrip, this is an exemple for a customer, it want to have this for september 2014.

    I have delete ALL, files and database.
    I have install a new version of WP : 3.9.1 (fr)
    All is in french
    I have install only WPPIZZA
    I choose twenty thirteen for theme (my prefered theme is twenty fourteen but no work correctly)
    I put the 2 files : wppizza-locale-fr_FR.po et mo into /wp-content/plugins/wppizza/lang
    And. . . no work in french
    If you want my langages files, can you send to me un mail adresss ? or go here :
    I don’t understand.

    thank you for your help

    I don’t understand, Personally I think there is some trouble on your PC or Mac machine you are using to browse your site.(English native OS system maybe? or wrong setting)
    I wrote this because I went on page https://pizza.e-commerce-concept.eu that seems to be your testing server and everything is in French. Have a look to this screenshot :
    I ordered 3 pizzas and the caddy shows french strings like :
    Vos articles € 27,35
    Frais de livraison € 2,45
    total € 29,80
    Commander et Panier vide > to correct as “Vider le panier”

    To my point of view, it seems working the right way except you got a trouble with the served pages on your browser+system apparently. Did you tried on another friend’s machine ?

    Personally, I did not used the wppizza-wrapper.php in my theme (I did not understand the way it works, I’m not a coder and try to use the php and wordpress pages without doing anything in the page for the moment…)


    Plugin Author ollybach


    same here.

    when i go to https://pizza.e-commerce-concept.eu it’s all in french
    (obviously i cannot see the admin, which is where the po/mo files really would come into play as for the frontend you would just use the wppizza->localization fields really

    Thread Starter e-commerce-concept


    Thank you for all, the French langage is ok on BO and FO

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