• Resolved sweetcoco


    Hey guys,

    Pretty basic question here.
    Right now I’m using the free version so I’m not sure what the paid version will do (waiting to get the go-ahead from the higher-ups) but we are using the checkout button as a ‘register’ button on our homepage, so ideally we would like the modal to pop up with our custom fields in it.

    The demos show the custom fields being filled out on the actual page before the modal comes up, which will render our purchase a no go :/ Is this the case for custom fields? (we need the purchaser to fill in the name of their business, its just one field but has to be in the modal, not on our actual page)


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  • Plugin Contributor Phil Derksen


    Great question. Right now all the options available in this plugin (without add-ons) are what’s available on the checkout overlay form Stripe provides.

    The add-ons for custom fields, user entered amount, and coupon codes all required fields that can’t be added to the overlay as it is, which is why they need to be filled out before opening the overlay form.

    We’re considering ways to add fields to the overlay as you suggested, but it would take some development time as we’d need to recreate the overlay form Stripe’s already done a great job at, and it’s not exactly open source.

    But this sounds like a feature you might need at some point?

    I think it’d be a great feature. ??

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