Ah, I think I understand; you want a page which displays all youtube vids embedded in multiple pages/ posts on one “video archive” page?
Well; lyte has an index of all lyte cachekeys (used as key in post_meta to store title, description, …) in the lyte_cache_index option. An extract of what I have in mine;
So if you would get that option value, json_decode it and iterate over each post id in the resulting array, you would be able to fetch all “cachekey”-s.
If for each cachekey in the resulting list you would then remove the leading “_lyte_”, you end up with a list of youtube ID’s.
And once you have the list of video-id’s, you’d only need to call lyte_preparse() on each of the youtube id’s for lyte to render the player.
If you end up writing this in a more or less generic way (shortcode [lyte_archive]
which triggers function lyte_display_archive()
which renders a style-able table-like archive?), then I’d be happy to include this in the plugin itself! ??