• Hi,

    Before I start, here’s my blog: https://www.ayconatest.co.nf. It has a normal theme and a mobile theme (You can see it using https://www.mobilephoneemulator.com/).

    Here’s my problem: I have this bit of code in my mobile theme that displays post time in a relative way: “posted x minutes/days ago”. Here it is (in the functions.php file):

    if ( ! function_exists( 'wps_time_since_post' ) ) :
     * Calculate the time since the post was published (minutes, hours, days)
     * If the post was made more than a week ago then the date is simply displayed
    function wps_time_since_post( $long_form = true, $post_timestamp )
    	$now_timestamp = time();
    	$minute_in_seconds = 60;
    	$hour_in_seconds = 3600;
    	$day_in_seconds = 86400;
    	$week_in_seconds = 604800;
    	$offset = abs( $now_timestamp - $post_timestamp );
    	if( $offset <= $minute_in_seconds ) {
    		$span = 'just now';
    	} elseif( $offset < $hour_in_seconds) {
    		$span = round( $offset / $minute_in_seconds ) . ' minutes ago';
    	} elseif( $offset < $day_in_seconds ) {
    		$span = round( $offset / $hour_in_seconds ) .' hours ago';
    	} elseif( $offset < $week_in_seconds ) {
    		$span = round( $offset / $day_in_seconds ) .' days ago';
    	} else {
    		if( $long_form )
    			$span = date( "F j, Y g:ia T" , $post_timestamp );
    			$span = date( "F j, Y" , $post_timestamp );
    	return $span;
    if ( ! function_exists( 'wps_posted_on' ) ) :
     * Meta text of author name and text publish date
    function wps_posted_on( $long_form = true )
    	$display = "none";
    	if( wps_get_option( 'show_post_author' ) == true )
    		$display = "block";
    	return "<span style=\"display:$display\">Posted " . wps_time_since_post( $long_form, get_post_time() ) . " by " . get_the_author() . "</span>";

    And it’s called in the single.php file like this:

    <?php echo wps_posted_on(); ?>

    It works fine on the mobile theme. But when I tried using it in the normal theme, it didn’t work.

    My non-mobile theme initially uses this function:

    if ( ! function_exists( 'imbalance2_posted_on' ) ) :
    function imbalance2_posted_on() {
    	printf( __( '%1$s', 'imbalance2' ),
    		sprintf( '<span class="entry-date">%1$s</span>',

    I substituted it with the one in the mobile theme & then called it in the loop-single.php and loop.php so instead of <?php imbalance2_posted_on() ?> I put <?php echo wps_posted_on(); ?>, but it gives me:

    Call to undefined function wps_get_option() in C:\wamp\www\wordpress\wp-content\themes\imbalance2\functions.php on line 402

    402 in functions.php is the line:

    if( wps_get_option( 'show_post_author' ) == true )

    I don’t know PHP very much, so any input would be very appreciated.


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