• The “connection lost, backing up in your browser, yada yada” message has begun reappearing in my WordPress sites lately. None of which run the same theme (or is on GoDaddy); one of which is a brand-new install without any active plug-ins.

    I post this less out of an expectation of help—the last time this happened I didn’t even receive a reply—than because of the attempt in another thread about this problem to pretend that it isn’t significant because “How many topic/users do you see with this problem?” Well, here’s one more.

    I have been using WordPress for about five years now, and frankly, the platform seems to be entering a decline. This “connection lost” nuisance is by itself a small problem, but from all that I understand there’s no reason or even explanation for its dragging on and on this long, except stubbornness and arrogance. “It’s not our problem, talk to your web host (and your host, and yours, and yours, and yours…)” is not an encouraging sign, particularly when WordPress still promotes “easy” and “very modest, widely-met requirements” as its way.

    Consider this a plea, or perhaps an SOS. You can brush this aside, wrap yourself even tighter in bureaucracy and technicalities, and robotically reject this entire post as “miscategorized, does not meet requirements, bad!” And WordPress can go on becoming less and less a community, and more and more at&t tech support. Or you could say “hey, just maybe we’re losing touch with what we started this whole thing for, let’s actually step back for a moment and think on that.” I admit that I just use the software; it’s your project much more than mine, and your place to determine what kind of project it’s going to be.

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