• Resolved comxcom


    Hi !
    i installed NinjaFirewall on a website powered by WordPress, it seems to be ok but i cannot configure and end installation :
    i’m sticked on the first configuration page (that begins with “In order to hook and protect all PHP files, NinjaFirewall needs to add some specific directives to system files located inside WordPress root directory…”

    I only can press the button “Test configuration”, but i stay on the same page and cannot access the following steps of configuration.

    I strictly followed instructions, modified my .htaccess (as it is write-protected) with the red text mentionned, created the php.ini file… But i stay on the same page.

    What’s the issue??
    Thanks for help !


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  • Plugin Author nintechnet



    Could you download this file https://nintechnet.com/ninjacheck_php.txt, rename it to ninjacheck.php, upload it to your WordPress folder, call it from your browser and paste the results here ?
    If your domain name is mentioned in the output, you can replace it with ‘xxxxxxx’ instead.
    Then, delete ninjacheck.php from your server.

    Thread Starter comxcom


    Hi Nintechnet & thx for fast answer !

    here are the results, i replaced name of root folder & domain name as suggested :
    ================== %< ====================
    HTTP server: Apache
    PHP version: 5.4.30
    Loaded INI file: /usr/local/php5.4/etc/php.ini
    auto_prepend_file: none
    user_ini.filename: .user.ini
    user_ini.cache_ttl: 300
    user INI: php5.ini found
    PHPRC: unknown
    DOCUMENT_ROOT: /home/rootfolder/domain
    wp-config.php: found
    ABSPATH: /home/rootfolder/domain/
    WP version: 467
    WP_CONTENT_DIR: /home/rootfolder/domain/wp-content
    ================== %< ====================

    It seems that my php5.ini is not loaded.
    My web hosting is OVH, and i use for hosting my websites an option called “multidom” that is described on this page.

    With this option, the domain site folder is not in the usual “www” but at the root folder of the hosting (/).

    I’m afraid OVH does not the use of another php.ini, as i just red a support page explaining how to modify php config on mutualized servers by ovh: it can be done by editing a file “.ovhconfig” and modifying it. It is mentionned : the .ovhconfig file must be at the root folder and it is not possible to use several .ovhconfig files and to have different configurations of php active on the same hosting.

    So, you think the use of Ninja firewall is possible although?

    Sorry if my english is sometimes approximative & thanks for support !

    Plugin Author nintechnet


    Did you try with “.user.ini” instead pf php5.ini/php.ini ?
    I am not sure at all it will work, because OVH seems to add a lot of restrictions to their shared hosting accounts.

    If you cannot use NinjaFirewall, you could try to protect your site(s) with modsecurity because I saw that there is a “http.firewall” instruction in their “.ovhconfig” file.

    Thread Starter comxcom


    Hi nintechnet
    i just tried .user.ini but i got the same issue ??

    i think you’re right, with ovh restrictions of shared hosting i think i cannot use ninja firewall

    i will check modsecurity and i thank you a lot for help

    Thread Starter comxcom


    YESS !
    i was about to uninstall ninja firewall and wanted to check the good procedure and -surprise!!- the firewall is active !!!

    So with OVH i have to use .user.ini instead of php.ini or php5.ini !

    Thanks a lot ??

    Plugin Author nintechnet


    Perfect !
    Sometimes it may take a few minutes before PHP reloads the INI file configuration. That is fine, except one small issue: if one day you want to uninstall NinjaFirewall, you will need to delete the INI file first, wait a couple of minutes until PHP reload its INI configuration and then, uninstall NF from the WordPress plugins page.
    Otherwise, after the installation, the site would crash until PHP reload the new INI configuration.

    Thread Starter comxcom


    Yep thanks for priceless precisions !
    Hope this discussion will help s.o in the future.

    Congrats for this firewall: i already had 7 alerts about hacks. 6 was not dangerous (actually, it was some cromp tasks i had previously programmed) and it allowed me to ajust the rules, but one was a real try to hack.

    I looked for a reinforced protection because i had php injections on one of my wordpress website, with “eval(base64_decode($_POST[xxxxx])) codes everywhere on 2 websites. I spent lot of time to clean it but now it seems to be ok.

    Wait & See, and thanks again !

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