• Resolved RenCR


    I would like some help in adding an image (a banner) in one of the text widget areas to the lower right of the footer area.

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  • Hey there,

    This is basically the image code:

    <img src="URL_TO_IMAGE" alt="ALTERNATIVE">

    You need to replace:

    URL_TO_IMAGE – With the Image URL
    ALTERNATIVE – With a description/alternative of the image

    You can use the Text Widget for this:


    Not sure if you’ve tried anything yet and had issues, or if you needed to know where to start. Hope this helps, but if not then please let me know.

    Take care.

    Thread Starter RenCR


    Thanks for your response Timothy. I am able to add the URL to the text widget successfully however, I have difficulty finding the right footer widget area to add my image. there are 4 options – Primary, 1st, 2nd & 3rd footer widget areas.

    I have tried dragging the text widget to all but the only one that comes close to what I want in the Discover theme footer is the 3rd area. But it is showing up aligned to the left under the social media widget that is on the site (https://insightfsltd.com). what I need is to align it to the right of the footer where there is just a blank space.

    This is my first time editing a website, I am new to this and just taking over from our former web designer.


    you seem to have done something to your theme to remove unused widget areas, and to move the third footer widget area to the left;

    has sidebar-footer.php been edited, and what is the current code of it?

    possibly undo the edits.

    then move the social widget to the first footer widget area, and add the text widget in the third footer widget area. into the second footer widget area, add a textwidget with just this as content: &nbsp;

    might need fine-tuning to align the image properly to the right.

    Thread Starter RenCR


    here is the current code in sidebar-footer.php:

    ‘ <div id=”footer-bar3″ class=”four columns”>
    <?php if ( is_active_sidebar( ‘third-footer-widget-area’ ) ) { ?>
    <ul class=”xoxo”>
    <?php dynamic_sidebar( ‘third-footer-widget-area’ ); ?>

    <?php } else { ?>
    <ul class=”xoxo”>
    <li class=”widget-container”><h3 class=”widget-title”>Contact us</h3><div class=”textwidget”>This is a text widget. Put your own widget by going to appeareance widget area. Nullam posuere felis a lacus tempor eget dignissim arcu adipiscing. Donec est est, rutrum vitae bibendum vel, suscipit non metus. Nullam posuere felis a lacus tempor eget dignissim arcu adipiscing. Donec est est, rutrum vitae bibendum vel, suscipit non metus</div>

    <?php } ?>
    </div><!–footer 3 end–> ‘

    this is a link to the code of an unedited sidebar-footer.php of your theme’s version (seems to be an older version 1.7.5, while the latest version is 1.7.20): https://themes.svn.www.ads-software.com/discover/1.7.5/sidebar-footer.php

    as you can see, what you have now, is quite a bit reduced; i.e. it only ever uses the footer widgets from area 3.
    this is also the reason why any added textwidget with image would appear below the social media widget.

    try to follow my earlier suggestions …

    Thread Starter RenCR


    Thanks, I will try this!

    Thread Starter RenCR


    Your suggestion worked @alchymyth, thanks again!

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