• Resolved LuciFit


    Ever since I upgraded to GoDaddy hosting for WordPress I get this status: “Failed to Activate BulletProof Security wp-admin Folder Protection! Your wp-admin folder is NOT protected with BulletProof Security!”

    I am able to create a default file, a secure htaccess file, activate the root folder security mode, but not the wp-admin security mode.

    Any help on this would be great.


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  • Plugin Author AITpro


    BPS works on Go Daddy hosting. We use Go Daddy hosting for all our websites. ??

    BPS Pro does not work correctly on these 3 hosts in the link below due to server restrictions on these hosts, but BPS free works on all hosts worldwide as far as we know.

    Go to the htaccess Core >>> htaccess File Editor tab page and copy and paste this information below:

    File Open and Write test successful! The secure.htaccess file is writable.
    File Open and Write test successful! The default.htaccess file is writable.
    File Open and Write test successful! The wpadmin-secure.htaccess file is writable.
    File Open and Write test successful! Your currently active Plugins htaccess file is writable.
    File Open and Write test successful! Your currently active Uploads htaccess file is writable.
    Your root htaccess file is Locked with Read Only Permissions.
    Use the Lock and Unlock buttons below to Lock or Unlock your root htaccess file for editing.
    File Open and Write test successful! Your currently active wp-admin htaccess file is writable.
    Plugin Author AITpro


    Hmm maybe you are using Go Daddy Managed WordPress hosting and not standard Go Daddy hosting? The link below contains a list of blacklisted plugins that are not allowed on Go Daddy Managed WordPress hosting. BPS is not currently blacklisted on Go Daddy Managed WordPress hosting, but since we added DB Backup to BPS then maybe BPS will be blacklisted at some point on Managed WordPress hosting. I think they are primarily blacklisting these backup plugins because they do file backups so maybe BPS will not be blacklisted on Managed WordPress hosting since BPS only does DB Backups. ??

    It looks like Go Daddy Managed WordPress hosting is blacklisting these plugins for a few reasons that they have stated below.

    Go Daddy Managed WordPress Hosting Source: https://support.godaddy.com/help/article/8964/managed-wordpress-blacklisted-plugins

    “Duplicate Functionality – Backups
    These plugins duplicate our existing backup and restore functionality. We have seen these plugins cause problems for customers because they use too many resources creating archive files (tar/gzip/zip) and we have seen some poorly configured plugins create recursive backups and sites exceed their allotted storage amount.


    Plugin Author AITpro


    So let me know if you are using standard Go Daddy hosting or Managed WordPress hosting. If you are using Managed WordPress hosting then I would very much appreciate it if you contact the Managed WordPress hosting technical support folks and ask them if .htaccess files are allowed in the /wp-admin folder. If /wp-admin .htaccess files are allowed then I will continue on with troubleshooting this. Either way this info would be good to know. Thanks.

    Thread Starter LuciFit


    Hi,thank you for your reply.
    You’re right, I’m using Managed WordPress. And yes, they also do daily backups.

    You weren’t on the list for blacklisted plugins.

    I also called them and asked about you (2x now). They said they can’t guarantee that they can offer the security that you provide (in fact, they’ll readily admit that they can’t comment much on security because this isn’t their area) but they do the backups daily if any trouble occurs so one can roll the clock back by 30 days at most.

    They really don’t know much else about why I can’t activate the we-admin security mode. One GoDaddy professional said he could go in the back way (via ftp) and change the access file to a backup and then he could load your new one. However, this is where it gets a bit to techy for me and I don’t trust myself to do that.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    I looked around at Managed WordPress hosting help docs to see if there are any listed/documented restrictions regarding .htaccess files and I did not find anything, but the more I looked at Managed WordPress hosting the more it became clear that this type of hosting is intended to be completely managed by them and by the Managed WordPress host server. That makes total sense since they want to control the Managed WordPress environment. It looks like they have something good going on here from everything I have read about it. It appears that most folks a very happy with this type of hosting and it performs much faster/better than standard Shared hosting for them, but of course that comes with some very minor restrictions/limitations which make sense.

    Just a personal thought here. I don’t think they need to be defensive about plugin restrictions and limitations on Managed WordPress hosting and should put a positive factual spin on this. For Example: “Managed WordPress performs so well because the Managed WordPress environment is optimized for blazing fast speeds. That blazing speed comes with the very small price of restricting/limiting some plugins from being installed in the Managed WordPress Hosting environment/server” – much better focus on the positive instead of the negative defensive approaches below. The plus you get vs the minus you don’t get. Just my 2 cents. ?? I write Jingles in my spare time too. LOL ??

    A plugin blacklist to make sure you don’t inadvertently install website-damaging plugins

    You cannot install a number of blacklisted plugins known to harm your site (more info) — yes, this is the same blacklist we mention in the Feature section

    Plugin Author AITpro


    Hmm ok go to the BPS Security Status page and post what you see for the folder permissions on the wp-admin folder. Logically what is going on is they have either changed Ownership on the wp-admin folder or changed folder permission settings for the wp-admin folder.

    wp-admin/ ../wp-admin 705 0705

    Go to the BPS System Info page and post this information about your site:
    Server Type:
    Operating System:
    WP Filesystem API Method:
    Server API:

    Thread Starter LuciFit


    yes. the faster speed is the first thing that attracted me to the product. I like the fact that they don’t allow plugins that they deem could damage the site. For me, as a non-developer/coder/web person, this is super helpful.

    But, this makes me wonder if they are blocking BPS from changing the core files (htaccess) when I try to enable it.

    Do you think, with all they are doing with Managed WordPress, that it’s redundant for me to also have BPS?

    (Anytime you want to answer with a jingle, I’m up for it. ?? )

    Plugin Author AITpro


    Looks like for Managed WordPress hosting you need to use sFTP and cannot use FTP. You could still use something like FileZilla, but you would have to use sFTP in FileZilla instead of FTP. In any case, this gives you the ability to see your wp-admin files so that is nice to know. Will go there next if needed. ??

    Plugin Author AITpro


    Ok I found a help post for Managed WordPress hosting that clearly states that a wp-admin .htaccess file is not allowed/not editable. So you cannot use a wp-admin .htaccess file on Go Daddy Managed WordPress hosting. Ok so it looks like I will need come up with some kind of special/custom solution for Managed WordPress hosting. I will need to get back to you on this.


    Managed WordPress File-Editing Limitations
    Hackers love exploiting and defacing WordPress sites, which makes security a priority for everyone using WordPress. To help make Managed WordPress accounts as hack-proof as possible, we impose strict, security-oriented limitations on which files are editable.

    This feature means you can only edit the following directories and files on Managed WordPress accounts:

    You can also edit any directories or files you upload yourself, such as a php.ini file.

    Plugin Author AITpro


    Do me a favor and check these 2 things for me:

    1. Can you add a Widget? Appearances >>> Widgets >>> drag any Widget to your Sidebar for testing. Do you see any errors? Were you able to add the Widget successfully?
    2. Can you deactivate and activate the BPS plugin?

    Plugin Author AITpro


    And check one other thing:
    Go to the htaccess File Editor tab page and click on the “Your Current wp-admin htaccess File” tab. Do you see anything in the text editor window or is it blank?

    Thread Starter LuciFit


    1.) Yes. I can add a widget. Yes I can add it successfully.
    2.) I can activate and deactivate the BPS plugin.

    Thread Starter LuciFit


    I’m not sure where the htaccess file editor tab page is?

    Thread Starter LuciFit


    oh. I found it.

    Thread Starter LuciFit


    I get this: An .htaccess file was not found in your wp-admin folder.

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