• The visual editor is a handy thing, and I know how to switch it off in /wp-admin/profile.php. But does anyone know if it is possible to make the code view the default view? So I can toggle to the visual only when I want it. The reason I want this is that the visual editor messes with the code of embedded Flash, Youtube etc. So if I have a Youtube video in a post and want to add a tag or whatever, I have to switch to code and re-copy the embed code from Youtube, arrgh!

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  • This is an excellent idea. Since Visual is the view that is giving folks a problem, making Code the default view would be awesome. Makes the more disruptive editor available on an “as needed” basis. (Yes I know that the vid problems stem from bad embed codes, but the reality is that the Visual/YouTube conundrum is a major topic for these fora).

    Well I don’t know how to turn it off, I guess I’ll look in the file you provided. There should be an option in the site admin which allows people to select which view they want for the editor as default (visual vs. code)

    I’m not sure why you guys made the visual editor default since after a quick search I see many people are having trouble with it, not just me.

    Actually I see there is an option under Users > Your Profile which allows you to just turn the thing off.

    Thanks for the info posted here btw.

    Yeah, but I’d rather default to code and have the visual mode as an option on-the-fly. Although it usually just screws up my manually added tags anyway.

    Well, once you turn it off as e7 noted, it’s off for all times until you turn it on again. So.. problem solved, no?

    No, it’s not solved. Some people want to be able to use the visual editor, even if it’s only for 80% of the their posts. The suggested solution of making code view default, instead of visual view, basically allows people to embed the youtube code and if they edit the post(like I’m not doing trying to put tags on my posts), the visual editor won’t reformat all of the code and break the youtube video.

    Although, of course, a better solution would be to have an option to surround the link/code with some kind of an identifier that the visual editor just won’t touch.

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