Well the idea is adorable. I think “this might get weird” is great. And I’m a big bavotasan fan.
That being said, I think the tagline should not wrap. I wouldn’t center text on the welcome page and I feel like images should be left aligned and float left, but others have different tastes.
I love the look of the center icon but that fact that it takes up a huge amount of space but doesn’t do anything is weird, especially since the icon is used to mean on or power. That and the pink swath below it make this look at first like a splash page. I think the pink is a footer because of what you have in it, so I don’t scroll down. I just go to the menus and miss the posts under it.
The menu items could be better organized. For example the star trek… next to gay marriage are not really main categories or topics, they are just two posts or pages so they seem out of place as menu items.
It’s a good start, though, with interesting content. Good luck.