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  • Thread Starter Pravin Paratey


    For some reason, the tables aren’t created during installation. It works for me. But it doesn’t work for a few people.

    Can someone go through the code and tell me why? This is my first plugin so I might not be doing things the way they are supposed to be done. Thanks.

    Thread Starter Pravin Paratey


    I haven’t tried yor plugin yet, but there are three features I would love to see:

    1) Comments field (we would use the comments field for the name of the person responsible for the task, and we could add other notes there too)

    2) Priority field (numeric 1…5; 1=high, 3=normal, 5=low?)

    3) Sorting by any field (object id, task, comment, priority, due date)

    I hope that the due date is not a required field for all tasks.

    I’ll install this as soon as it gets widgetised.

    I hope that I will never see:


    The MTH-DD-YYYY date format is just presentation, right? Not the actual data written to the database field?

    Thread Starter Pravin Paratey


    Thank you for your feedback.

    1. Comments field: I’ll add it in the next version. I was also wondering if I should add the author name (for multiple author blogs)
    2. Priority field:Will do.
    3. Sorting: Will do.
    4. The MTH-DD-YYYY is just the presentation format. The time stamp is stored in the DB. Since I haven’t added a field for the due-time, it defaults to 12:01am. I’m wondering if I should add the due-time too.

    A few simple things:

    – An update to my request: Comment –> Notes
    “Notes” are more general, IMO…

    – More features:
    $type = ‘completed’ // Print tasks on an archive page

    – More features:
    $type = ‘duetoday’ // Show even OLD incomplete tasks
    // such as those due yesterday and
    // last week

    The author name might be a good thing too. WE don’t NEED it for anything, but it is nice to know who added a task. Just in case there is something unclear about the task, and one needs to ask… And beeing responsible for the tasks one submit, is A Good Thing in collaborative blogs, as anonymity would make it easier to flood the list with stupid tasks ??

    Due time? Hmm… I can see that some people might benefit from that. You should maybe implement the widget first, then priorization/notes/sorting, then due time.

    You might want to create a complete table with many many fields that you can activate later. This would minimize the need of risky database table structure changes. Someone will ask for some advanced feature anyway, and it is fun if you only need to use 5 sec to “enable” it instead of redesigning the database and program logic. So, put a bit more db fields and selection/sorting features in the code than you initially publish…

    … but don’t make the program code TOO complicated too fast.

    Thread Starter Pravin Paratey


    Just to keep you updated, I am working on adding those features + widgetizing. I hope to be done with it by tomorrow.

    Thread Starter Pravin Paratey


    Was busy with life until today. Nearly done. Widgetized too. I’m thinking another few hours.

    Thread Starter Pravin Paratey


    0.2 available! Features:

    – An integrated panel in wp-admin that lets you add, remove and mark tasks as done.
    – Ability to set,
    1. Due date and time.
    2. User to assign task to.
    3. Priority of task.
    4. Notes.

    – Completely Widgetized! Use todo-plugin as a widget without writing a line of template code.


    I installed the plugin and created a page template containing the < ? php pravin_todo(); ? >


    Fatal error: Call to undefined function: pravin_todo()

    Codex: Example: add_action(‘publish_post’, array(’emailer’, ‘send’));

    Shouldn’t there be something like this at the end of the plugin, or am I doing something wrong?

    The widget works, though.

    (but it has no header so it looks a bit strange)

    Thread Starter Pravin Paratey


    The function is called pravin_get_todo(). I have mentioned it on the site. But I forgot to change it in the readme file.

    Give me 10 minutes. I’ll fix it. I have also added a header called ToDo.

    I’m not sure why you would want add_action('publish_post', array('emailer', 'send')); at the end. Any particular reason for that?

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