• My diff to make a single sign on (SSO):
    – works on windows with $_SERVER [‘REMOTE_USER’] = ‘domain\username’
    – fixed $wpdb->escape() deprecated notice
    – fixed mcrypt_decrypt() password decrypt
    – do not show admin bar for new users

    > 		 if (empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) {
    > 	} else {
    > 			// SSO
    > 			$username = strtolower ( $_SERVER ['REMOTE_USER'] );
    > 			if (strpos ( $username, '@' ) !== FALSE) {
    > 				$account_suffix = substr ( $username, strpos ( $username, '@' ) );
    > 				$username = substr ( $username, 0, strpos ( $username, '@' ) );
    > 			} elseif (strpos ( $username, '\\\\' ) !== FALSE) {
    > 				list ( $account_suffix, $username ) = explode ( '\\\\', $_SERVER ['REMOTE_USER'] );
    > 				$account_suffix = '@' . $account_suffix;
    > 			}
    > 			$password = wp_generate_password ();
    > 			$this->_auto_update_password = false;
    > 			// Log informations
    > 			$this->_log ( ADI_LOG_NOTICE, 'SSO username: ' . $username );
    > 			$this->_log ( ADI_LOG_INFO, "Options for adLDAP connection:\n" . "- account_suffix: $this->_account_suffix\n" . "- base_dn: $this->_base_dn\n" . "- domain_controllers: $this->_domain_controllers\n" . "- ad_port: $this->_port\n" . "- use_tls: " . ( int ) $this->_use_tls . "\n" . "- network timeout: " . $this->_network_timeout . "\n" . "- AD user: " . $this->_syncback_global_user );
    > 			// Connect to Active Directory
    > 			try {
    > 				$this->_adldap = @new adLDAP ( array (
    > 						"account_suffix" => $this->_account_suffix,
    > 						"base_dn" => $this->_base_dn,
    > 						"domain_controllers" => explode ( ';', $this->_domain_controllers ),
    > 						"ad_port" => $this->_port, // AD port
    > 						"use_tls" => $this->_use_tls, // secure?
    > 						"network_timeout" => $this->_network_timeout, // network timeout
    > 				        "ad_username" => $this->_syncback_global_user, // Use syncback user
    > 				        "ad_password" => $this->_decrypt($this->_syncback_global_pwd) // Use syncback user
    > 				 ));
    > 			} catch ( Exception $e ) {
    > 				$this->_log ( ADI_LOG_ERROR, 'adLDAP exception: ' . $e->getMessage () );
    > 				return false;
    > 			}
    > 			$this->_authenticated = true;
    > 		}
    > 		// end SSO
    < 		$sql = "INSERT INTO $table_name (user_login, failed_login_time) VALUES ('" . $wpdb->escape($username)."'," . time() . ")";
    > 		$sql = "INSERT INTO $table_name (user_login, failed_login_time) VALUES ('" . esc_sql($username)."'," . time() . ")";
    < 		$sql = "SELECT count(*) AS count from $table_name WHERE user_login = '".$wpdb->escape($username)."' AND failed_login_time >= $time";
    > 		$sql = "SELECT count(*) AS count from $table_name WHERE user_login = '".esc_sql($username)."' AND failed_login_time >= $time";
    < 			$sql .= " OR user_login = '".$wpdb->escape($username)."'";
    > 			$sql .= " OR user_login = '".esc_sql($username)."'";
    < 		$sql = "SELECT max(failed_login_time) FROM $table_name WHERE user_login = '".$wpdb->escape($username)."'";
    > 		$sql = "SELECT max(failed_login_time) FROM $table_name WHERE user_login = '".esc_sql($username)."'";
    > 			update_user_meta($user_id, 'show_admin_bar_front', 'false'); // Do not show admin bar
    < 		    $text = mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $encrypted_text, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv);
    > 		    $text = rtrim(mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_128, $key, $encrypted_text, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB, $iv), "");

    To make an auto single sign on add this to theme file:

    function d25_after_setup_theme() {
    	// Single Sign On
    	if ( !is_user_logged_in() && !empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) ) {
    		$user = wp_signon(); // authorization in active-directory-integration
    		if ($user) wp_set_current_user($user->ID, $user->user_login);
    add_action('after_setup_theme', 'd25_after_setup_theme' );


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  • Could you post this at pastebin or somewhere that doesn’t add weird characters to copy/paste?

    Thread Starter dimagsv


    Diff with full sources here https://www.diffchecker.com/cpsde0s1
    fix to theme file:

    function d25_after_setup_theme() {
    	// Single Sign On
    	if ( !is_user_logged_in() && !empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']) ) {
    		$user = wp_signon(); 	// authorization in active-directory-integration
    		if ( !is_wp_error($user) ) wp_set_current_user($user->ID, $user->user_login);
    add_action('after_setup_theme', 'd25_after_setup_theme' );

    Hey dimagsv,

    thank you for your work. I′ve tested it but it doesn′t work ??

    What I′ve done:
    – Modify the AD Plugin, like you described it
    – Extended the functions.php in my Theme
    – Checked the settings in the AD Plugin

    but when I open https://www.domain.de/blog/wp-login.php there are still the Login and no automatical single-sign-on :/

    Informations to my AD:
    Domain: group.domain.de
    Suffix: @domain.de
    Remote-User: GROUP\user

    Could you help me please?

    best regards

    Thanks dimagsv, I haven’t yet gotten around to installing it to test it yet. I am running on a redhat server though so I’ll let you know how it goes. Have you considered forking this plugin? It appears to be abandoned.

    Thread Starter dimagsv


    First. You need to setup ntlm plugin to web server.
    I use mod_authn_ntlm for Apache 2.4 for windows.
    My config of this module:

    LoadModule auth_basic_module modules/mod_auth_basic.so
    LoadModule authnz_ldap_module modules/mod_authnz_ldap.so
    LoadModule authz_core_module modules/mod_authz_core.so
    LoadModule ldap_module modules/mod_ldap.so
    LoadModule auth_ntlm_module modules/mod_authn_ntlm.so
    <Location / >
    AuthName "D25"
    AuthType SSPI
    NTLMAuth On
    NTLMAuthoritative Off
    NTLMPerRequestAuth off
      Require valid-user

    Second. You need use proper browser: opera 15+, chrome, internet explorer, firefox (with network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris = ‘www.domain.de’)
    With correctly installed ntlm plugin you will get an authorization request in opera 12- and firefox without network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris.

    Third. You need set ‘Global Sync User’ ([email protected]) and ‘Global Sync User Password’ (admin_password) in active-directory-integration settings page in ‘User Meta’ subpage.

    Automatic login occurs when visiting any page, not only /wp-login.php.

    Is there any errors in ‘Test’ subpage with ‘user’ and ‘userpass’?

    Thread Starter dimagsv


    I will not fork this plugin now. Maybe later, if no one else will do it.

    Hey Dima, thank you for your answer.

    I use Apache2 on a Linux System. (SUSE Linux Enterprise)
    So I have to use apache2-mod_auth_ntlm_winbind, right? Can′t see another package.

    In this case, I′ve to edit also the smb.conf right? I think it won′t be easy to realize this :/

    I found it just as easy to use the auto_login function already in the plugin.
    I just uncommented the line in the constructor and manipulated it a bit to make it work with REMOTE_USER:

    public function auto_login() {
        if (!is_user_logged_in() && isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_USER'])) {
            $user_login = end(explode('\\', $_SERVER['REMOTE_USER']));
            $user = get_user_by('login', $user_login);
            if ($user !== FALSE) {
                $user_id = $user->ID;
                wp_set_current_user($user_id, $user_login);
                do_action('wp_login', $user_login);

    EDIT: This method doesn’t auto create users with SSO.

    Thread Starter dimagsv


    I have not tried to install the plugin on Linux.

    I think the solution of veloek has the charme that it can be combined with kerberos, since ntlm is not the most secure idea.
    Combined with bulk import this is a valid solution for me.

    But when I insert the function, I get this error:

    PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘public’ (T_PUBLIC) in /srv/www/htdocs/wp-content/plugins/active-directory-integration/ad-integration.php on line 963

    Any ideas where this comes from?

    Best regards,

    ah what I forgot, lin 963 is :

    public function generate_password($username, $password1, $password2) {
    $password1 = $password2 = $this->_get_password();

    oh never mind, i forgot to comment a { ??

    but it still does nothing

    themad: To activate the function, you must uncomment some lines in the constructor around line 375:

    if ($this->auto_login) {
      add_action('init', array($this, 'auto_login'));

    thanks you for this hint
    unfortunaloly I still dont see any change
    what I also tried is using
    if ($this->auto_login) {
    add_action(‘init’, array(&$this, ‘auto_login’));
    sind the other functions use it

    I added to the function a test-echo:
    public function auto_login() {
    echo “autologin started”;

    and this appears nowhere, so I think this doesnt get loaded
    what am I missing
    any special settings in the plugin?

    Have you checked that the variable “auto_login” is set to true? It should be somewhere near to the top of the file.

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