Recurring profile not working
I have used s2member pro for create recurring users. I have setup papal flow pro and paypal after that a i have create 1 year recurring profile form. But when someone subscribe from given from EOT not showing in registry user profile admin also in paypal this amount showing as Payment From instead of recurring payment. Here are paypal ipn and button code:
Button code:
[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form level=”2″ ccaps=”” desc=”0.01 USD / Yearly (Annual Membership)” ps=”paypal” lc=”” cc=”USD” dg=”0″ ns=”1″ custom=”” ta=”0″ tp=”0″ tt=”D” ra=”0.01″ rp=”1″ rt=”Y” rr=”1″ rrt=”” rra=”2″ accept=”visa,mastercard,amex,discover,maestro,solo,paypal” accept_via_paypal=”paypal” coupon=”” accept_coupons=”1″ default_country_code=”” captcha=”0″ /]Ipn log :
LOG ENTRY: Fri Aug 29th, 2014 @ precisely 7:02 am UTC
PHP v5.3.20 :: WordPress? v3.5.2 :: s2Member? v130513 :: s2Member? Pro v130513
Memory 35.61 MB :: Real Memory 36.00 MB :: Peak Memory 35.84 MB :: Real Peak Memory 36.00 MB
User-Agent: WordPress/3.5.2;
array (
‘txn_type’ => ‘subscr_signup’,
‘subscr_id’ => ‘RP0000000160’,
‘custom’ => ‘’,
‘txn_id’ => ‘RP0000000160’,
‘period1’ => ‘0 D’,
‘period3’ => ‘1 M’,
‘mc_amount1’ => ‘0.00’,
‘mc_amount3’ => ‘0.01’,
‘mc_gross’ => ‘0.01’,
‘mc_currency’ => ‘USD’,
‘tax’ => ‘0.00’,
‘recurring’ => ‘0.01’,
‘payer_email’ => ‘[email protected]’,
‘first_name’ => ‘santosh’,
‘last_name’ => ‘kumar’,
‘option_name1’ => ‘Originating Domain’,
‘option_selection1’ => ‘’,
‘option_name2’ => ‘Customer IP Address’,
‘option_selection2’ => ‘’,
‘item_name’ => 0.01 USD / Yearly (Annual Membership)’,
‘item_number’ => ‘2’,
‘proxy_verified’ => ‘paypal’,
‘s2member_log’ =>
array (
0 => ‘IPN received on: Fri Aug 29, 2014 7:02:17 am UTC’,
1 => ‘s2Member POST vars verified with a Proxy Key’,
2 => ‘s2Member originating domain ($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]
) validated.’,
3 => ‘s2Membertxn_type
identified as (web_accept|subscr_signup
4 => ‘s2Membertxn_type
identified as (web_accept|subscr_signup
) w/o update vars.’,
5 => ‘Signup Confirmation Email sent to: “santosh kumar” <[email protected]>.’,
6 => ‘User exists. Handlingpayment
for Subscription via (subscr-signup-as-subscr-payment
7 => ‘Payment Notification URLs have been processed.’,
8 => ‘Payment Notification Emails have been processed.’,
9 => ‘Storing IPN signup vars now. These are associated with a User\’s account record; for future reference.’,
‘subscr_gateway’ => ‘paypal’,
‘eotper’ => NULL,
‘ccaps’ => NULL,
‘level’ => ‘2’,
‘ip’ => ‘’,
‘initial_term’ => ‘0 D’,
‘initial’ => ‘0.01’,
‘regular’ => ‘0.01’,
‘regular_term’ => ‘1 M’,
‘s2member_paypal_proxy’ => ‘paypal’,
‘s2member_paypal_proxy_use’ => ‘pro-emails,subscr-signup-as-subscr-payment’,
‘s2member_paypal_proxy_coupon’ =>
array (
‘coupon_code’ => ”,
‘full_coupon_code’ => ”,
‘affiliate_id’ => ”,
‘s2member_paypal_proxy_verification’ => ‘8dd3ba11a74ddbe1a08d4584636a8abb’,
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