• Bliss7


    Hi WP users,

    I got a very small blog at blogger.com with only 12 posts…but its already indexed at Google (supplemental result)

    I stopped posting at blogger cos I didnt want the blog to get bigger when I dont own the domain at all, I realized that fast. I havent posted in nearly two months already, and I just want to import into WordPress and delete that old blog at blogger.

    So I registered my own domain and want to set up a WordPress blog with it and import the blogger blog into it.

    Before I do it, I want to know some things, and perhaps some of you guys/gals may have done this before…

    1) If I import the posts over, wont that cause the urls to be different because the old urls were – abc.blogspot.com and now the urls will be – xyz.com/category/post…
    and therefore Google will consider my blog to have duplicate content?

    2) Related to above, if I set up categories for my posts in wordpress whereas in Blogger, there isnt any categories (blogger doesnt have that feature), now wont it really mess up the URLS? Can I assign the blogger posts to go into different categories and at the same time use this permalink structure…

    Is this possible?

    Thanks, I’ve never done this before, (importing) so I really dont know what the result will be..Good or bad?

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  • Poco


    Since you are moving to a new domain you can’t expect Google or any other search engine to be able to correlate the content between the two locations.

    In that case, the category/permalink format is irrelevant when compared to your old blog. It is just a new blog.

    You will have two blogs with the same content, yes, but there is no reason to delete your old blog after you import it to WordPress. In fact, I would suggest you keep your old blog after you import the content but update your template to include links to your new blog to direct people there.

    Let’s just hope you didn’t convert to the new Blogger service.

    Hello Poco
    Can you elaborate on the last line in your post Plz.
    I have a Blogger blog that I would like to convert to
    word press. My ISP even has a script for importing but
    when I try to use it I get an error. Something like:
    Please note this script will not work with the new
    Blogger user names. That is Blogger asked me to start
    using my gmail address to logon to Blogger which I did.
    Sooooo does anyone know what the ramifications of that simple name change will be in the end. Am I stuck forever in limbo. Unable to import my posts and pictures into my own domain (themeanderingpen.com). Will I have to cut and paste the whole thing into Word Press Ahhhhhhhhhh sob.
    Be sure to tune in next week kids.
    And don’t forget to bring your decoder ring.
    The Pen Master

    Why don’t you use WP’s own blogger import script? Instead of relying on some unknown stuff offered by your host?

    Actually Moshu
    In this case it is not my host that is the “unknown stuff”
    but the Word Press that is unknown to me. I don’t know anything about how WP works. With 1&1 my ISP click a few buttons and all is setup and ready to go. And I actually like the template they supplied. They 1&1 imply that they have some relationship with WP I don’t know about that.
    I have never uploaded the WP software. Anything further you can tell me about it would help.

    They 1&1 imply that they have some relationship with WP I don’t know about that.

    They don’t have. And they are the worst host when it comes about that “one-click” install.
    If you have their version of WP installed by the on-click install… almost nothing is true what is valid on any normal host. Sorry, I don’t dare to give you any advice since they do not install a standard WP.

    Thanks Moshu
    That helps. I will try to download the WP software and use it. Although I like their template I suspect that in the end it will not be flexable enough for me.
    Pen Master



    ok, here goes nothing… I’m a noobie with wordpress, and I even purchased the wordpress for dummies book. I’ve been searching for a post with a similar situation to mine, and this one is the one that comes the closest, but not quite. This is my situation:

    I own 3 domains – fine
    they all have blogs- fine
    I downloaded and installed WP on each domain- fine
    everything is working as it should- check
    the problem I’m having is actually moving all my 200plus posts from blooger to WP.
    The situation: I’m FTP’ing my posts through blogger to my own domain, so currently my files are on my server. The old blog is currently assessable through the same URL, and I’m able to access the new blog installation as well… now I just need to move over all those posts so that I can remove the old index.html and have index.php work as it should… this works fine. so all I need is to move over my current content.
    I’ve tried the “Import” from within my admin page, but I get a bunch of javascript() errors.

    Can somebody point me to the right direction?
    much appreciated.

    Please let me know if you need any URL samples or any questions




    I shall also add the following when trying to use the importer:

    Import Blogger

    Howdy! This importer allows you to import posts and comments from your Blogger account into your WordPress blog.

    To use this importer, you must have a Google account and an upgraded (New, was Beta) blog hosted on blogspot.com or a custom domain (not FTP).

    The first thing you need to do is tell Blogger to let WordPress access your account. You will be sent back here after providing authorization.

    Then the next page is followed by:

    This website has not registered with Google to establish a secure connection for authorization requests. We recommend that you continue the process only if you trust the following destination:


    When I proceed, then I get a popup message with:

    Nothing was imported, had you already already imported the blog?

    Then I try again and I get:

    There was a problem opening a connection to Blogger. This is what went wrong:

    Connection timed out (110)

    Then it just goes around in that loop… Hope that’s enough information to get an answer

    Thanks again,




    The errors above happen when I try to import the blog content from my blogger account to my free wordpress.com free account (as I read above).

    When I try to import from my www.ads-software.com account I get the following errors:

    Warning: array_values() [function.array-values]: The argument should be an array in /home/dd0723/public_html/jupaman/wp-admin/import/blogger.php on line 605

    Warning: join() [function.join]: Invalid arguments passed in /home/dd0723/public_html/jupaman/wp-admin/import/blogger.php on line 606

    Warning: array_fill() [function.array-fill]: Number of elements must be positive in /home/dd0723/public_html/jupaman/wp-admin/import/blogger.php on line 607

    Warning: array_map() [function.array-map]: Argument #3 should be an array in /home/dd0723/public_html/jupaman/wp-admin/import/blogger.php on line 607

    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/dd0723/public_html/jupaman/wp-admin/import/blogger.php on line 618

    Hope that’s enough info.




    holy smokes!!!!!! talk about trial and error…dang….
    ok.. let’s hope that this will help at least somebody…

    Here’s what I finally figure out……
    now this will apply to people that have accounts with blogger.com AND are posting through FTP to their own domain AND are still using the old blog (not the new upgrade)…
    After much F’ing around, I finally got it!!!
    If your blogger.com account is being hosted through FTP, you will need to login, and click on “settings” and then “publishing”.
    Blooger will let you know that you MUST upgrade in order to change your template. So go ahead and click on the option to switch your current blog to a hosted blog on blogger. i.e. YOURNAME.blogspot.com
    Once this is done, THEN you can use the importer within your WP account to transfer the blog posts and comments…
    It seems that WP can import from a hosted blog i.e YOURNAME.blogspot.com but not from your own domain i.e. https://www.yourdomain.com
    Sounds simple right? I guess it is, and I was just being thrown off by all the errors I was getting.
    as you are importing the posts, you need to keep an eye on your WP admin page as it might time out, so you will need to click on “continue” a few times

    If there’s something I forgot and it’s not working for you, let me know and I’ll be glad to help. As I write this posts, I”m successfully transferring all my 200plus posts, and I’m able to view them…

    Thanks for reading my madness.


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