• I am thinking about creating business using a WordPress site, and would like to install it on my computer. However, I’m hesitant to pay for both Bluehost and WordPress Premium because I seem to be paying twice for the same thing. Doesn’t WordPress Premium include site hosting? Is there a way to install WordPress on my computer while just having Premium?

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  • Let’s rewind a bit and help clear up some misconceptions.

    1) www.ads-software.com is a community around the free, open-source server application called WordPress.
    2) WordPress.com is a service that provides managed (as in you don’t need to muck with the server) free and paid hosting for a WordPress site.
    3) WordPress, the server software you can download from https://www.ads-software.com/download/ requires a server with MySQL (or similar database application) and PHP (a server-side scripting language). It is not like your standard computer application of “install, click the app icon to launch, and there you go”. It requires setting up a server, configuring said server, configuring a database, installing the WordPress files into the right area of said server, configuring WordPress to use the right database, and then running and managing said server and WordPress installation.
    4) Fortunately many hosts provide the server part to all of this and all you would need to do is create a database and install WordPRess on your server space provided by the host.

    So hopefully that clears things up.



    Just to add to what bemdesign said, wordpress premium is a service that you get on top of the wordpress.com service (adds features -onlocks a few more of them- to the free wordpress.com services), www.ads-software.com is software that you can install on a web server.

    If you just want to install a wordpress on a webserver, and *actually* don’t need any of the additional abilities that www.ads-software.com makes available then you could just go with Premium. But you would not need both of them, ever. Because “premium” would only be available on wordpress.com, not on a self-hosted www.ads-software.com.

    as far as features: with www.ads-software.com
    Depending on the host the storage space would vary, and depending on the theme you chose your design options would vary, and the only ads you got would be ones you put there (that are paying you rather than paying wordpress.com).

    wordpress.com – premium eliminates wordpress.com’s ads, “videopress” replaces video plugins that you can install on www.ads-software.com, “custom design” replaces the way some themes have additional customization features in their themes dashboard widgets, the extra space that you get (13 gigs) is relative to however much space you sign up for with the host that you pick (typically all hosted accounts are going to have more space than that anyway – bluehost would start at 100 gigs and go up from there), to have a hosted account you would get a domain name through the host.

    You would just need to look at both and see which one works for you.

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