Putting your code into my template
Hi there.
I am wanting to add the mailchimp code to one of my templates in a contact form. I want to make the form totally connected to my mailchimp, as in all the fields being the mailchimp list fields. I want FNAME, LNAME, and EMAIL to be on the contact form, and directly be the same as the fields on my mailchimp list, know what I mean?
So, where in a template would I put those fields? At the beginning, at the end? I would like to replace the ones that are on there with these.
Thanks for your help!!!
Shawn Dady
Hello support.
Here is my contact template for my theme. It’s called page-contact.php.Could you PLEASE tell where in this I would put the little mailchimp code you provide for templates? Here is the mailchimp code below, then my own theme’s contact page code. This is a really urgent problem.
Thanks SO much.
How to display a form in my template files?
Use the mc4wp_form() function.if( function_exists( ‘mc4wp_form’ ) ) {
}And this file is the Highend theme’s page-contact.php
* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Highend
Template Name: Contact Template
<?php get_header(); ?>
<?php if ( have_posts() ) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?><?php
$box_animation_class = “”;
if ( vp_metabox(‘contact_page_settings.hb_contact_box_enable_animation’) )
$box_animation_class = ” hb-animate-element ” . vp_metabox(‘contact_page_settings.hb_contact_box_animation’);
$box_title = vp_metabox(‘contact_page_settings.hb_contact_title’);
$box_content = vp_metabox(‘contact_page_settings.hb_contact_content’);
$box_details = vp_metabox(‘contact_page_settings.hb_contact_details’);
$form_title = vp_metabox(‘contact_page_settings.hb_contact_form_title’);$box_details_empty = !empty($box_details);
if ( sizeof( $box_details ) == 1 && $box_details[0][‘hb_contact_detail_content’] == “” && $box_details[0][‘hb_contact_detail_icon’] == “” )
$box_details_empty = false;
$main_content_style = “”;
if ( vp_metabox(‘background_settings.hb_content_background_color’) )
$main_content_style = ‘ style=”background-color: ‘ . vp_metabox(‘background_settings.hb_content_background_color’) . ‘;”‘;
<!– BEGIN #main-content –>
<div id=”main-content”<?php echo $main_content_style; ?>>
<div class=”fw-map-wrapper”><?php if ( vp_metabox(‘contact_page_settings.hb_contact_background’) == ‘map’ ) { ?>
<div class=”fw-map”>
<div class=”hb-gmap-map” data-show-location=”-1″ data-map-level=”<?php echo hb_options(‘hb_map_zoom’); ?>” data-map-lat=”<?php echo hb_options(‘hb_map_1_latitude’); ?>” data-pan-control=”false” data-zoom-control=”false” data-map-lng=”<?php echo hb_options(‘hb_map_1_longitude’); ?>” data-map-img=”<?php echo hb_options(‘hb_custom_marker_image’); ?>” data-overlay-color=”<?php if ( hb_options(‘hb_enable_map_color’) ) { echo hb_options(‘hb_map_focus_color’); } else { echo ‘none’; } ?>”></div>
<?php } else if ( vp_metabox(‘contact_page_settings.hb_contact_background’) == ‘image’ ) { ?>
<div class=”fw-map parallax” style=”background-image: url(‘<?php echo vp_metabox(‘contact_page_settings.hb_contact_background_image’); ?>’);”></div>
<?php }?><div class=”container”>
<!– BEGIN .map-info-section –>
<div class=”map-info-section clearfix<?php echo $box_animation_class; ?>”>
<i class=”hb-moon-contract-3″></i><script type=”text/javascript”>
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
</script><?php if ( $box_title ) { ?>
<h5 class=”hb-heading alt-color-1″><span><?php echo $box_title; ?></span></h5>
<?php } ?>
<div class=”row nbm”><?php if ( $box_content && $box_details_empty ) { ?>
<div class=”col-6 nbm”>
<?php } else if ( $box_content ) { ?>
<div class=”col-12 nbm”>
<?php } ?>
<p><?php echo $box_content; ?></p>
<?php if ( $box_content ) { ?>
<?php } ?><?php if ( $box_content && $box_details_empty ) { ?>
<div class=”col-6 nbm”>
<?php } else if ( $box_details_empty ) { ?>
<div class=”col-12 nbm”>
<?php } ?>
<ul class=”hb-ul-list”>
<?php foreach($box_details as $box_detail) { ?><?php if ( $box_detail[‘hb_contact_detail_icon’] ) { ?>
<i class=”<?php echo $box_detail[‘hb_contact_detail_icon’]; ?>”></i>
<?php } ?>
<span><?php echo $box_detail[‘hb_contact_detail_content’]; ?></span>
<?php } ?><?php if ( $box_details_empty ) { ?>
<?php } ?></div>
<?php if ( $form_title ) { ?>
<h5 class=”hb-heading alt-color-1″><span><?php echo $form_title; ?></span></h5>
<?php } ?><form class=”special-contact-form clearfix” id=”sp-contact-form”>
<p><input type=”text” name=”special-contact-name” id=”sp-contact-name” placeholder=”<?php _e(‘Name’,’hbthemes’); ?>” class=”required requiredField” tabindex=”65″/></p>
<p><input type=”email” class=”required requiredField” name=”special-contact-email” id=”sp-contact-email” placeholder=”<?php _e(‘Email’,’hbthemes’); ?>” tabindex=”66″/></p>
<p><input type=”text” placeholder=”<?php _e(‘Subject’,’hbthemes’); ?>” name=”hb_contact_subject” id=”hb_contact_subject_id”/></p>
<p><textarea class=”required requiredField” name=”special-contact-message” id=”sp-contact-message” tabindex=”67″ placeholder=”<?php _e(‘Your message…’,’hbthemes’); ?>”></textarea></p>
<?php _e(‘Send’,’hbthemes’); ?>
<input type=”hidden” id=”success_text_special” value=”<?php _e(‘Message Sent’, ‘hbthemes’); ?>”/>
<!– END .map-info-section –></div>
<!– END .container –></div>
<!– END #main-content –><?php endwhile; endif; ?>
<?php get_footer(); ?>Hi Shawn,
This is a little hard to tell because I don’t know where exactly you want those fields but I will take a shot.
You can add the first and last name fields by going to MailChimp for WP > Forms. The template with the plugin form will look something like this.
<?php /** * @package WordPress * @subpackage Highend */ /* Template Name: Contact Template */ ?> <?php get_header(); ?> <?php if ( have_posts() ) : while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <?php $box_animation_class = “”; if ( vp_metabox(‘contact_page_settings.hb_contact_box_enable_animation’) ) $box_animation_class = ” hb-animate-element ” . vp_metabox(‘contact_page_settings.hb_contact_box_animation’); $box_title = vp_metabox(‘contact_page_settings.hb_contact_title’); $box_content = vp_metabox(‘contact_page_settings.hb_contact_content’); $box_details = vp_metabox(‘contact_page_settings.hb_contact_details’); $form_title = vp_metabox(‘contact_page_settings.hb_contact_form_title’); $box_details_empty = !empty($box_details); if ( sizeof( $box_details ) == 1 && $box_details[0]['hb_contact_detail_content'] == “” && $box_details[0]['hb_contact_detail_icon'] == “” ) $box_details_empty = false; ?> <?php $main_content_style = “”; if ( vp_metabox(‘background_settings.hb_content_background_color’) ) $main_content_style = ‘ style=”background-color: ‘ . vp_metabox(‘background_settings.hb_content_background_color’) . ‘;”‘; ?> <!– BEGIN #main-content –> <div id=”main-content”<?php echo $main_content_style; ?>> <div class=”fw-map-wrapper”> <?php if ( vp_metabox(‘contact_page_settings.hb_contact_background’) == ‘map’ ) { ?> <div class=”fw-map”> <div class=”hb-gmap-map” data-show-location=”-1″ data-map-level=”<?php echo hb_options(‘hb_map_zoom’); ?>” data-map-lat=”<?php echo hb_options(‘hb_map_1_latitude’); ?>” data-pan-control=”false” data-zoom-control=”false” data-map-lng=”<?php echo hb_options(‘hb_map_1_longitude’); ?>” data-map-img=”<?php echo hb_options(‘hb_custom_marker_image’); ?>” data-overlay-color=”<?php if ( hb_options(‘hb_enable_map_color’) ) { echo hb_options(‘hb_map_focus_color’); } else { echo ‘none’; } ?>”></div> </div> <?php } else if ( vp_metabox(‘contact_page_settings.hb_contact_background’) == ‘image’ ) { ?> <div class=”fw-map parallax” style=”background-image: url(‘<?php echo vp_metabox(‘contact_page_settings.hb_contact_background_image’); ?>’);”></div> <?php }?> <div class=”container”> <!– BEGIN .map-info-section –> <div class=”map-info-section clearfix<?php echo $box_animation_class; ?>”> <i class=”hb-moon-contract-3″></i> <script type=”text/javascript”> jQuery(document).ready(function($) { jQuery(‘.minimize-section’).click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); jQuery(‘.map-info-section’).toggleClass(‘minimized’); }); }); </script> <?php if ( $box_title ) { ?> <h5 class=”hb-heading alt-color-1″><span><?php echo $box_title; ?></span></h5> <?php } ?> <div class=”row nbm”> <?php if ( $box_content && $box_details_empty ) { ?> <div class=”col-6 nbm”> <?php } else if ( $box_content ) { ?> <div class=”col-12 nbm”> <?php } ?> <p><?php echo $box_content; ?></p> <?php if ( $box_content ) { ?> </div> <?php } ?> <?php if ( $box_content && $box_details_empty ) { ?> <div class=”col-6 nbm”> <?php } else if ( $box_details_empty ) { ?> <div class=”col-12 nbm”> <?php } ?> <ul class=”hb-ul-list”> <?php foreach($box_details as $box_detail) { ?> <?php if ( $box_detail['hb_contact_detail_icon'] ) { ?> <i class=”<?php echo $box_detail['hb_contact_detail_icon']; ?>”></i> <?php } ?> <span><?php echo $box_detail['hb_contact_detail_content']; ?></span> <?php } ?> <?php if ( $box_details_empty ) { ?> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php if( function_exists( 'mc4wp_form' ) ) { mc4wp_form(); } ?> </div> <!– END .map-info-section –> </div> <!– END .container –> </div> </div> <!– END #main-content –> <?php endwhile; endif; ?> <?php get_footer(); ?>
Please use
` backticks to post your code examples. That will be much easier to read & copy. ??
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