• celebri-net


    Hello All,

    First I would like to congratulate ‘The undersigned’ on a wonderful theme, and thank him/her/them for allowing all to use it free of charge…

    With that being said, I seem to be having some trouble with the categories drop down menu, I’ve done quite a bit of research into the “problem” and noticed that IE 7 seems to have difficulties with the msiefix you’ve implemented.

    Apparently once the menu contains enough categories that it reaches past the “title div”, and the user’s mouse scrolls pasts the restrained area and in between the small white spaces the “display:block” creates, the menu resets to “invisible”. Simply put, any user can only put there mouse 8 categories down the list before the menu suddenly vanishes.

    If anyone has any ideas on how to fix this problem I would greatly appreciate it, check out the site for an example. (https://www.celebri-net.com/main)

    Thanx Again,

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