1. The website is a multisite website, with admin network. I thought this forum was for this kind of site. Please tell me if I am wrong.
2. This is a site that has been running for 5 years, has nmore than 1450 posts, no pages, 99 categories and even more tags, so the structur is not good and compatible with other themes. If I just innstalled this theme (2014), it would look weird. There would be no mensu, no header, the colors and fonts would be wrong, no posts with featured pics etc. I tried with a preview, so I have seen this with my own eyes.
3. Therefor we made a copy of the site, to try this out and to see what we needed to change and adjust and prepare for the innstallation on the original page.
4. We have two sites in our network, and I only do this test on one of the sites. The two sites are almost similare but in two different languages.
5. On the test site I installed the theme (2014) and also the 3 styles plugins “color fourteen”, “Styles” and “Styles twenty fourteen”. I installed this in the network admin, and activated both theme and plugins for the site I made the test. Everything was okay, and we had found the correct colors, fonts and tested out sliders and grids and made menus and reorgenized the widgets, since we now had two option for sidebars, and not only one sidebar as in the old one.
6. Then we updated to WP 4.0. to be sure everything was okey between the theme and new version of WP and the changes we had done. From that moment we have had the problem with this error. I know it doesnt relate to WP 4.0 itself, since I updated another site where I use theme 2014 with those styles, so it must be related to either a plugin or the multisite function.
6. I deactivated every plugin, adn switched on one by one until every plugin was activated again to find out which one made the problem. But I could find any. After all the plugins where switched on, the error was gone. I therefore thought it was just a temporary problem.
7. After a while the problem was back again. During the process above I was adviced to make a child theme and make the changes there instead of in the default theme to avoid redoing my changes for every update in the future, and I hoped this also would solve the error with teh styles plugin. I installed the one click child theme plug in and a child theme based on theme 2014 was made.
8. My problem now is that the child theme doesnt seem to care that “Styles twenty fourteen” is active. I dont get the styles options in the customize menu. It looks like I dont have the plugin, which I actually have.
9. I deactivated the child theme, and deleted theme 2014. I tried several other themes that are based on theme 2014, but decided to go back to the default theme again,and starting all over.
10. I deactiavted all plugins, installed theme 2014 again, and activated the “coulor fourteen, styles ans styles twenty fourteen. Then I clicke don “preview” for theme 2014 and again I got that error msgs as I mention in the title of this post. SO there is no plugins that are active unless these 3 color styles plugins for theme 2014, and still I get this error. SO I dont get what can be the conflict here. And I only have this conflict on this multisite. And I dont take the chance with making a child theme and start adjusting before I have solved this problem.
Not sure whant you meant with this: “Awesome! It IS a plugin, Which one?”
I know very well the difference on a plugin and theme. And I now that Styles twenty fourteen is a plugin. But that knowledge doesnt give me the answer on why theme 2014 denies its is there and active.