• After updating to WP4 and moving my site to a new host, I cannot get my contact form to work properly anymore. I have not changed it or any plugins, my theme has not changed, nothing. Anyone else having this issue?

    I have contact form 7 set to work with Photographer Connections, so my contact form submission goes directly into ShootQ. Now, instead of that I get a really cryptic email submission, missing all of the input information:

    From: [your-name] <[your-email]>
    Subject: [your-subject]

    Message Body:

    This e-mail was sent from a contact form on Asea Tremp Photography ? Huntington Beach, Orange County, CA (https://www.aseatrempphotography.com)

    Can anyone offer any help? I don’t even know where to start, I cannot figure this thing out. Thank you!


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  • Just a FYI mine is doing the same thing the squirrels are on the wheel spinning like crazy but in my case the form still send me an email .

    The spinning wheel is a common symptom of a Javascript conflict with either your current WordPress theme or one of the other plugins you are using – see Contact Form 7 Email Issues – there is a link there that covers Javascript Conflicts.

    In your case I suspect the problem is due to your use of ??Photographer Connections and ShootQ – either of these is probably not yet compatible with WP 4.0.

    Step by step approach to finding Javascript Conflicts

    1. Switch temporarily to a WordPress default theme (Twenty Eleven etc.) and see if the problem goes away.

    If it does, you’ve most likely got a JavaScript conflict with your current WordPress theme.

    If switching to default theme doesn’t help it could be one of the plugins you are using that is causing the problem.

    2. Disable all plugins other than Contact Form 7

    If doing that solves the problem, you can then add back each item – one by one, until you find the real cause of the problem.

    You will need to disable, temporarily, ALL JavaScript, other than that from CF7, including anything in your theme (switch temporarily to a default theme), if you want to get to the source of the problem.

    Thread Starter trempphotos


    Ok I have done all of those and still no beans. Now what? I had not changed anything except for updating WP before it stopped working, is this an issue with WP 4?

    Please supply a link to your Contact Form 7 form. Also did you disable your connection to Photographer Connections when you switched to the default theme?

    Thread Starter trempphotos


    I had a quick look at your form using Firebug. I am getting a series of Javascript errors in ../wp-content/cache/autoptimize/js.??

    You definately appear to have a Javascript Conflict which is preventing the CF7 Javascript from completing.?

    In that case; the quick workaround is to disable JS optimization in Autoptimize. THe better solution is to find out which scripts are causing the errors when optimized, and exclude those from optimization.

    Thread Starter trempphotos


    Thank you, I really appreciate you guys helping me with this. I have tried removing Autoptimize, and disabling the JS optimization, and emptying the cache and still spinning wheel. Can you take a look at the link again and see what you see now? https://www.aseatrempphotography.com/contact-form

    I know this thread is a bit old, but I am still getting requests to investigate this on a number of my associates sites so I hope it helps other people who are desperate for clues.
    There are in fact several mechanisms that can cause the symptom to appear, but because most of the ‘diagnostic’ information you need is hidden it takes several steps to identify the root cause. However, understanding what to look for is half the battle!

    1 Javascript conflicts – well reported before and often indicated by errors appearing in the Javascript console on page load – usually conflicting versions are being loaded (most of the advice for this is readily available)

    2 Unwanted HTML appearing in the AJAX results pages… you do not see this as it happens on the server behind the scenes, but the Javascript expects only certain responses to decide whether to put message sent ok or fail, and to hide the spinning wheel. If any unexpected characters appear in the response the Javascript silently fails and leaves the spinning wheel and usually no visible error message. However in this case the email is usually sent successfully even though web visitor does not see this.

    The rogue characters could be anything output by a plugin, something in a theme/template or a PHP error/warning message! In my most recent case it was that Really Simple Captcha tried to delete the old images in the uploads folder on a Windows server, but due to a bug on that platform that has not been fixed it cannot unlink the image files until the ‘windows’ readonly attribute has been removed using this approach

    chmod($file, 0777);

    This bug and fix has been documented elsewhere, but since the PHP warning appears on the AJAX call the user does not see the message generated as the Javascript discards it and places a standard AJAX error message onto the page into an ‘ajax-error’ span block saying ‘Unexpected Token <‘. Most style sheets are set to make this block not display, so you need to either modify the stylesheet or use Inspect Element to reveal the message.

    The key thing is verifying whether your message is being sent, since the likely cause here may be some unexpected text and this may mean temporarily adding some diagnostic logging to disk in order to see what is happening at the various stages and I suggest you start by looking at the wpcf7_ajax_json_echo function inside controller.php located in the includes folder of the Contact Form 7 plugin. If this is your problem you will see the root cause as part of the function status parameters.

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