bbPress does not work. It has bugs.
Is there any other forums, that I can install easily, so they would share DB with wordpress and every wordpress post will start a thread in them?
Any alternatives?
I see no mention in this question about what bugs you are possibly running into. Your post seems to say that you’ve discovered that bbPress doesn’t do exactly what you thought it would. That’s not a bug.
If you are actually getting errors of some kind, why don’t you try telling us what they are so we can help fix them? You shouldn’t say something isn’t working right and has bugs if it just doesn’t do what you want. That’s just not right.
I don’t understand what problems you’re having, because you didn’t list any, as far as I know at least…?
What version of WordPress are you using? If you’re trying to get blog posts, posted in the bbPress forums as new threads, there is a plugin for that, and it DOES work.
I’ve had that plugin on my site already. I still have posts in my forums from them too. Also, you should really be posting this in the bbPress support forums though… People over there will help you so much better then folks from here…
/I had removed that bbPress Post plugin though, but I can test it again to be sure. I have been running WP 2.2-bleeding since it started, and 2.1 before it went official release…and it worked with that one before..
I’ll post back here again with an update. My blog and forums are still currently integrated too.
To update on this, I just installed the bbPress Post plugin again, running it on WP 2.2-bleeding version even…
When installing this into your wp-content/plugins/ directory, you have to keep the folder for the plugin too:
——————-bbpress_post.phpAfter installing the plugin, in upper nav, click on bbPress Post tab..
Then make sure your forums URL is correct, then which Forum you want the WP posts to go into, and make sure the bbPress database table prefix is right… Click Save
Here’s my blog’s test post: picked the General Discussions forum for it to be put into, and as you can see, here’s the WP blog post in the General Discussions forum:’m starting to think, the plugin(s) aren’t working, because your integration of WP and bbPress isn’t right…?
How I did it, was, installed the WP and the BB into the same database.. so the database looks like this for example:
wp_usersThen, in the forums config.php file, make sure it’s like this:
<?php // ** MySQL settings ** // define('BBDB_NAME', '[A DATABASE NAME HERE]'); // The name of the database define('BBDB_USER', '[USERNAME FOR: A DATABASE NAME HERE]'); // Your MySQL username define('BBDB_PASSWORD', '[PASSWORD FOR: A DATABASE NAME HERE]'); // ...and password define('BBDB_HOST', '[DBHOST FOR: A DATABASE NAME HERE]'); // 99% chance you won't need to change this value // Change the prefix if you want to have multiple forums in a single database. $bb_table_prefix = 'bb_'; // Only letters, numbers and underscores please! // If your bbPress URL is , the examples would be correct. // Adjust the domain and path to suit your actual URL. // Just the domain name; no directories or path. There should be no trailing slash here. $bb->domain = ''; // Example: '' // There should be both a leading and trailing slash here. '/' is fine if the site is in root. $bb->path = '/forums/'; // Example: '/forums/' // What are you going to call me? $bb->name = 'MY FORUMS NAME'; // This must be set before running the install script. $bb->admin_email = 'MY EMAIL ADDRESS'; // Set to true if you want pretty permalinks. $bb->mod_rewrite = true; // The number of topics that show on each page. $bb->page_topics = 30; // A user can edit a post for this many minutes after submitting. $bb->edit_lock = 30; // Your timezone offset. Example: -7 for Pacific Daylight Time. $bb->gmt_offset = -8; // Your cookiedomain. $bb->cookiedomain = ''; $bb->cookiepath = '/'; // Change this to localize bbPress. A corresponding MO file for the // chosen language must be installed to bb-includes/languages. // For example, install to bb-includes/languages and set BBLANG to 'de' // to enable German language support. define('BBLANG', ''); // Your Akismet Key. You do not need a key to run bbPress, but if you want to take advantage // of Akismet's powerful spam blocking, you'll need one. You can get an Akismet key at // $bb->akismet_key = 'YOUR AKISMET KEY HERE'; // The rest is only useful if you are integrating bbPress with WordPress. // If you're not, just leave the rest as it is. $bb->wp_table_prefix = 'wp_'; // WordPress table prefix. Example: 'wp_'; $bb->wp_home = 'false'; // WordPress - Options->General: Blog address (URL) // No trailing slash. Example: '' $bb->wp_siteurl = 'false'; // WordPress - Options->General: WordPress address (URL) // No trailing slash. Example: '' /* Stop editing */ if ( !defined('BBPATH') ) define('BBPATH', dirname(__FILE__) . '/' ); require_once( BBPATH . 'bb-settings.php' ); ?>
Make sure your datbase name, database user, and database password, along with your correct bbPress database table prefix is right, as well as WP database table prefix is right too. I hope this helps.. Good luck!
1) I cannot get to admin page.
2) It is unnaturaly slow.I am not going to fix it, because I allready tired of setting it up. It is also very primitive.
I do not know php and I just need a working forum.
Vanilla is a bad one, because it takes billion steps to install it.Ugh, all that typing out for nothing lol. =P Oh well, hopefully it helps someone else later down the road. ;):) As for other forum software, there is a couple plugins for forums, as well as normal forum softwares.
You can try searching the forums, and the plugins section in the Codex. I’m not sure of any other forum softwares with the ability to take WP posts and make them forum “threads” though… As far as I know, only bbPress does this…?
I could be wrong though. Anyway, good luck with this. I’m not off to bed, I’m tired! Later folks!
Hey Spencer, cool theme, cool name.
I will surely search codex.
I installed wordpress and bbpress to the same DB.bbPress is just very undeveloped, stoneage-fashioned thing.
Thanks for help.
I might still use bbPress.*sigh* There’s various other forum plugins. If you had searched for “forum plugins” you would have found at least these two:
xdforum from (which seems to be down right now);
rs-discuss from (not sure where this one’s at in the dev cycle).
However, I’m currently using both of them on various installations of wp, and both work very very well, were very simple to install and skin.
Then again, bbpress is also very simple to install and skin, and provides plenty of extensible functionality. But if you’re looking for all the crap that phpBB et al allow, like dancing sigs, animated avatars etc. (not to mention continual hackers and defacements of the goatse variety) you won’t find one that works OOB with wp, thank goddess.
Everything is located on my hard drive.
My DB password is ‘precision’ (will change)
My forum is not in wordpress folder.
All folder names are default.
I want to interlink bbP and wordPI have no idea, how to fill out the config file with.
This will atleast help you integrate WP and BBPress:
FYI, on my localhost, and domain. I have WP in the root of public_html/ and the bbPress in the directory of: forums/
What I gave above will work for you, you’d just use https://localhost where the domain is at. And change the path of: forums/ to where ever those bbPress files are located at as well..
Also, gotta make sure of your database prefixes for both WP and bbPress too. It’s quite simple my friend. ?? You’ll get it then, it took me a little while to get myself… so.. ??
Looks like I found some stuff. Lets see.*sigh*
Try searching google as well for other forums. If you search for something like forum software comparison or some variation of that you might find something that strikes your fancy.
Actually, flatworm, rereading your initial post here….
No. As far as I know there is no forum/wp munge which will do what you want.
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