• Hi,

    I just downloaded WP Mail SMTP today so that I could change the address of outgoing mail from [email protected] to [email protected].

    When customising the settings to set up WP Mail SMTP, in the “From Email” I have entered [email protected] and then my name in the “From Name”. For “Mailer” I have selected “Send all WordPress emails via SMTP.”. I have also checked the “Return Path”.

    In SMTP options, from doing online searches I read that the gmail SMTP settings are smtp.gmail.com and the port is either 587 or 465 depending on whether it is TLS or SSL. Is this correct? And what would I choose as “SMTP Host” and “SMTP Port”. I have tried all the different combinations I could find and I still receive the error “SMTP -> ERROR: Failed to connect to server: Connection refused (111)”.

    Beneath the choices for “SMTP Host” and “SMTP Port” I have selected “Yes: Use SMTP authentication”, and then input the username ([email protected]) and password that I use to access my email.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!


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  • I was able to get it to work, using a Gmail account. Here are the relevant settings:

    Mailer: Send all WordPress emails via SMTP.
    SMTP Host: smtp.gmail.com
    SMTP Port: 587
    Encryption: Use TLS encryption.
    Authentication: Yes: Use SMTP authentication.
    Username: [your – entire – Gmail or Google Apps email address]
    Password: [your password for your Gmail or Google Apps email account]

    Thread Starter ajr888


    Hi Pablo,

    Thank you for your response. I input the settings you provided but the test email is still returning “bool(false)”

    Is there anything else that could be contributing towards the email not sending correctly? I have checked that my email and password were entered correctly and I can’t find any other issues.

    Thanks again for your help and hopefully you have some more input into the matter

    Are you using a Google Apps for Business email address? If so, do you have a generic Gmail address that you can plug in, for testing purposes? Perhaps that can help isolate the problem.

    Thread Starter ajr888


    Thanks again for your response Pablo!

    I am using a Google Apps for Business email address. I do also have a generic gmail address. I tried making my generic gmail address the “From Email” and “Username” but I am still encountering an error message when trying to send a test email.

    Any other ideas about what my issue may be?


    i m using wp-mail-smtp plugin and not able to configure the test email.
    i tried all the possible option to configure it but did’nt get success
    it shows error:-

    The result was:

    SMTP -> ERROR: Failed to connect to server: Connection refused (111)

    When i am applying the same setting in the localhost it worked fine for me but in dedicated server it generate error for me.

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