Hi Mikko, thanks for your input, I am aware that Relevanssi doesn’t know anything about language, it seems you have rather missed the point of what I was asking. I was referring to the notes on their own website:
Fuzzy search also matches parts of words, so searching for “ledge” will also finds documents that contain words “knowledge” and “ledger”. The search term has to be either in the beginning or the end of the word, so searching for “ion” will find “caution” or “ionized”, but not “cautionary”.
Which seemed to suggest that it would in fact find the first part of any string, if that part of the string appeared as part of a ‘word’ (group of characters with a space either side), elsewhere in the site. However this does not seem to be the case, as far as I can work out so far. I opened this thread to ask if I had understood the above point correctly or not and if the search my client was looking for, was in fact covered by this.
As I mentioned earlier in this thread though, my clients are quite happy with the search function now anyway, so it is not of any great importance.
I did find the following notes in their user manual section, that I will definitely try out in the future though:
relevanssi_fuzzy_query (“(term LIKE ‘%#term#’ OR term LIKE ‘#term#%’) “)
This filter lets you modify the way Relevanssi runs the fuzzy queries. The main thing you can do here is to change this value to “(term LIKE ‘%#term#%’) ” to make it match search term completely inside words. By default the search term in fuzzy search must match either beginning or the end of a word. #term# will be replaced by the actual search term later.