Can't use with HTTPS ?
Sorry for my bad English because i’m from VietNam !
I use this plugin in WordPress 4.0 and SSL secure enabled (HTTPS).
When i use this plugin to submit comment , its running normal , but when post comment , it show this error (Unknown error occured “Something went wrong, your comment has not been posted. ” ) but the comment is posted to the dashboard comment moderation normaly . I mean this comment posted complete but the plugin show error ( instead of done alert ) .
Can you explain me how to fix this problem ? I think it related to HTTPS issue ?
Could you please send me a link where I can reproduce the issue?
Sorry for late reply . This is my example link to this problem ? ? Thank you !
Wow . I think this problem is related to Jquery , when use https the jquery don’t work perfectly . I have change the Jquery code of another script and plugin to the site work perfect , but I can’t fix this problem with WP-Ajaxify-Comments plugin . Your plugin is awesome and i like it so much , i don’t want to use another plugin . I hope this problem can fix !
I change a lot of code in my site , example is :
window.load function ,
$(document).ready(function() ,
jQuery(document).ready(function() ,My plugin already use jQuery instead of $, so this should not be a problem.
Unfortunately, I do not see what exactly is not working on your page. Could you please provide me a detailed step-by-step instruction how to reproduce your problem.
Dear !
Your plugin and Jquery seems work fine , seen I installed WordPress HTTPS plugin and setup HTTPS on my page , the plugin does not work properly – it have only one error is when complete all the fields and click post comment , it show error “Something went wrong, your comment has not been posted. ” , but comments are still being sent to the dashboard as usual , i don’t know what error , it’s doesn’t show new comment posted AJAX too , it’s only show Unknown error occured . I don’t know what to do now ??
When I logged in and click post comment , my browser (Chrome) notice that the HTTPS is not secure , this mean when sending comment to server and the server respond is not secure , I press Ctrl+Shift+J in Google Chrome to find what is it , it show :
Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)
The page at ‘https://www.mywebsite/v/examplepost’ was loaded over HTTPS, but displayed insecure content from ‘https://www.mywebsite/v/examplepost/comment-page-11#comment-4424’: this content should also be loaded over HTTPS.
XMLHttpRequest cannot load No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource. Origin ‘’ is therefore not allowed access.
Now i think this problem related to HTTPS , when click post comment , the plugin send data and respond HTTP (instead of HTTPS) , and the plugin show error . I think the problem is instead of respond HTTP , the plugin should respond as HTTPS .
Sorry for my bad English , and hope you will help me to fix this !
Thank you so much !Is the plugin still activated and enabled on your page? Does the “Unknown error occured” message also occurs when you post comments after you disabled my plugin?
When i disabled your plugin and use the default comment wordpress method , it’s nothing happen , the comment posted normaly and everything still work fine . But when activated your plugin and try to post comment , the error “Unknown error occured” is still display .
I have a thought on this issue is realted to $siteurl and $home define(‘WP_HOME’,’’);
My site front end is running with HTTPS but in my WordPress core option , my WordPress site URL and home URL is still using HTTP , I think this has to affect operations of the plugin , when activated the plugin and post comment , I think the plugin is still use get_permalink() of the post is HTTP or get home_url() is HTTP as WordPress core option , so it break when using with HTTPS .
– Do you have any idea to solve this problem ? I try to change the home_url() and site_url() to HTTPS and find the error but i can’t , because I’m using HTTPS on browser ( not on my web server ) .
– Or we can change the function on plugin to get the permalink or home_url() of the post is HTTPS instead of HTTP ?function wpac_get_page_url() { $ssl = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on') ? true:false; $sp = strtolower($_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL']); $protocol = substr($sp, 0, strpos($sp, '/')) . (($ssl) ? 's' : ''); $port = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']; $port = ((!$ssl && $port=='80') || ($ssl && $port=='443')) ? '' : ':'.$port; $host = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_HOST'] : isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; return $protocol.'://'.$host.$port.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; }
In this function , can we change it to only use HTTPS ?
Hello !
It seems I’ve found the cause of the error . When i use HTTP instead of HTTPS to post comment , your plugin work fine and didn’t have any errors . But when i using HTTPS to post comment , the plugin break . That’s is the problem !
So , can you have a idea to fix this problem when i use HTTPS on my site ?
Can we fix a litte code of your plugin to work with HTTPS ( although my WordPress core option URL is HTTP ) ?
Thank you so much for reply and help me !Hi,
what do you mean by “because I’m using HTTPS on browser ( not on my web server )”? Do you use any kind of HTTPS offloading, i.e. do you have a proxy server or firewall that handles the HTTPS traffic and forward all request as HTTP requests to the web server?
In other words: If you do not configure WordPress to use HTTPS, how does the system renders the HTML code for you comment form, resp. how is the “https” added:
<form id=”commentform” class=”comment-form” method=”post” action=””>If you really use a HTTPS offloading configuration, that could cause the problem. Please take a look at my questions above and I will try to find a solution four you…
Thanks in advance,
JanHello !
Yes , i have a proxy server or firewall that handles the HTTPS traffic and forward all request as HTTP requests to the web server is CloudFlare . And now i’m disabled my SSL on the post page , your plugin work fine and perfect !
But when i actived my SSL on the post page , the plugin break .
Do you have to try change the URL HTTP & HTTPS ? , when use HTTPS :
<form action=”” method=”post” id=”commentform” class=”comment-form”>
and when use HTTP
<form action=”” method=”post” id=”commentform” class=”comment-form”>
You say right , the proxy server that handles the HTTPS traffic and forward all request as HTTP requests to the web server , that’s cause error !
I can’t find the solution to fix this !
Hope you help me !
Best regards !Please try out the new developer version 0.26.0 (from here and set the option “Base URL” (in the experts option section in the plugin settings) to the FQDN, your page is accessed on.
Hope this help…
Hello Jan !
I want to tell you the good news is i have installed the newest version of your plugin and everything work perfect like a charm ! Thank you so much for your development of this plugin .
All the request in HTTP or HTTPS is work fine .
So , i have a little more question about this plugin is , when post comment , the title of the web page render something like :
is render to
It’s change the “-” symbol to –
Can you have a little time fo fix this bug ?
Thank you for everything !
Best regard .Thanks for the feedback.
I’ve updated the developer version 0.26.0. The title bug should be fixed.
Please download the updated version from here this helps…
Hello .
Thank you again, all the bugs have been resolved !
Thank you so much for your work and developer for this plugin .
Hope you create more awesome plugin !
Best regards !
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