• Resolved badman010165


    Hello. There seems to be a glitch with this plugin when trying to use the Reply feature in the Admin panel Comments area. This issue started when I updated to the latest version of the plugin. Its also somewhat intermittent in that if you click the text tab and then go back to the visual tab then it might work for a little. I also had the developer of the template I use to check it as well and he had the same issue. The plugin works everywhere else in the admin are such as the Pages, Posts, etc. Let me know if you need a login for my website https://www.tropicisleliving.com.

    Thank you.


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  • Plugin Author Marco Chiesi


    Hi there,
    our plugin does not affect the editing of pages and posts nor comments replies, so I think that any issue you may be experiencing is caused by something else. By the way, when I reply to a comment from admin panel I do not even have the visual editor, but just the plain text editor with the quicktags toolbar.

    Thread Starter badman010165


    Thank you for responding. I have PageBuilder and TinyMCE Advanced installed on my website as well but the only way to make the Comments section work is to disable Black Studio TinyMCE. Only when I disable that plugin I have access to typing a reply because at that point the visual editor would not be available anymore when this plugin is disabled. You would have to see it to understand. I have a test version of the website so if its possible and you want to investigate then you can.

    Thank you.

    Plugin Author Marco Chiesi


    please send your login info using our contact form.

    Thread Starter badman010165


    Hello. I haven’t heard any responses from you but I did notice you released a couple HOT fixes and the theme developer did as well but I still had the problem. I have decided to add this css to my theme functions file:

    add_filter( ‘wp_default_editor’, create_function(”, ‘return “tinymce”;’) );

    This seems to have solved the problem.

    Thank you.

    Plugin Author Marco Chiesi


    Hi there,
    I’ve double checked but I did not receive any email from you. By the way I also do not receive notifications of your replies in the support forum, which is very strange, as I receive all the others. You may try to contact us directly via email (our address is in the contact form page too).

    Plugin Author Marco Chiesi


    Hi there,
    I’ve finally got your message and I was able to debug and fix the issue.
    The comment reply form should not have had the visual editor applied on it. It was an undesired side effect occurring when both Black Studio TinyMCE Widget and Page Builder were activated.
    The new version 2.1.3 of the plugin fixes this so please update.

    Thread Starter badman010165


    Thank you for fixing this issue. Good job!

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